Chapter 1~ Oh Miss Grande

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||Ariana's POV||

"Come on Ari, class is gonna start!" My best friend Alexa moans as we run down the hallway into our homeroom. Our teacher gives us a stern look as we take our seats in the back of the classroom. "Alright class.Today we will be doing a quiet study outside because of the nice weather." my teacher exclaims. we all cheer for we never get to relax outside.

||Justin's POV||

"Quiet study, eh?" I murmur as I overhear Mrs.Corcoran, aka Ariana's homeroom teacher, talk about an outdoor class for the day. "my perfect time to shine." I say smiling. I leave my spy area and walk towards a grouping of trees where I can plan my perfect moment. Soon Ariana will be all mine, all mine.

||Ariana's POV||

"The weather is so amazing!" I cry as Alexa and I spread out a blanket on the grass. we open up our books and silently pretend to read while we chat. I hear a rustling in the bushes and tell Alexa to stay on the blanket while I check it out.

I'm known to be a dare devil, so Alexa, knowing me so well, let's me go out into the wooded area. "she's in the bathroom." I hear her tell Mrs.Corcoran and I laugh. as I get closer to the sound I feel two strong arms grab me and cover my mouth with a cloth. instantly I fall to the ground, unconscious.

||Justin's POV||

Sprinting down the wooded path I carry my one true love over my back. she's mine- she's actually mine! As I reach my car, I shove Ari in the front seat and hop in to drive. she looks so adorable when she is asleep! I drive off to my hideout, all the way in Arizona from California.

-next day-

||Ariana's POV||

I wake up and it's pitch black. "crap! Was i kidnapped!" I mumble. I hear footsteps and clench my jaw. hell, im not afraid of anything! I think to myself as a dark figure walks into the room and smirks.not looking him in the eyes, I say "what do you want? Money? Cause I have none with me!" He chuckles and replies "heck I don't need money. I want you."

Now widening my eyes, I look up and state into his dark brown colored eyes. his face is perfectly shaped and he's shirtless. I examine his six pack and the multiple tattoos scattered across his figure. "the name is Justin.You're my girlfriend and soon we will be married." he states all sure of himself."what?!" I ask practically jumping out of my seat. "mmhmm! And then we'll have kids together and raise a family." I felt my stomach churn and my mouth drop with the words spilling from his mouth.

"Let me go! I am not your girlfriend and never will be!" I scream as he drags me up a flight of stairs and into a room. There's a bed, a bathroom, and some furniture. he pushes me on to the bed and stares at me. "god you're gorgeous!he says licking his lips. I shrug in disguist and I notice his face coming closer to mine. "stop Justin!" I say kicking him in the balls.he screams and I shoot up and dash for the door. he runs after me and tackles me to the ground. "get off." I plead. he ignores me and we sit there silently for a while.

I Need You-Justin Bieber and Ariana GrandeWhere stories live. Discover now