Chapter 45~fifth times the charm

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-8 months later-


"I hope it's a girl. I know it'll be a girl." Claire said sure of her self. "oh yah, I bet it'll be a boy and you'll be the only girl in the family." Carter boasted. Claire started crying and hit Carter right across the face. "hey! Cut it out!" Carter said pushing her on to the floor. "Kids. settle down! And Justin! Why aren't you doing anything about this." Ariana said waddling into the room. she gathered crying Claire into her arms and cooed sweet words to her. "sorry Ari. busy reading the paper." I said. "yah, you're SO busy reading the paper while I waddle around with this extra 40 pounds straining my back and feet and caring for our 4 children. life is hard for you Jay." she argued sarcastically. I groaned and set the paper down and Ari looked at me with a disgusted face. "gosh, I married a 10 year old." she said leaving the room with Claire. I followed after her and demanded that she sit down and rest. "gosh, this baby is gonna come any day now." Ari moaned. I nod my head and kissed her cheek. "soon we'll be a complete family. and for real this time." I chuckled. she smiled and sat up straight. "Can we take the subway down to Arthur Avenue tomorrow? I want to get some food for the kids before the baby comes." she explained. "baby girl, I don't think that's the best idea for you. you could pop any second now and tomorrow's gonna be rainy. the trains always get backed up on rainy days." I argued. "I don't care. I'm going." she said crossing her arms. "fine. but I'm coming with you and so are the kids." I demanded. "deal." she said as I kissed her soft pink lips.

-later that day-


"Mama!" I heard Claire shriek. "what is it lovie?" I whispered as I sat up on the couch. my stomach was cramping and it hurt like hell. "daddy's making funny sounds in your room." she squealed. "like what?" I said getting curious. "like, mmm, and, oh yah." she said impersonating him moaning. I laughed and she smiled. "stay here, let me go check on daddy." I smirked as I left the room. boy is he gonna be embarrassed.

I walked in and Justin was nearing his high. he looked at me and moaned "fuck Ariana." as he came on to our bed. I immediately felt turned on by his actions and he covered himself up. "jesus, why'd you have to come in?" He said blushing like crazy. "Claire said you were making funny sounds, so I had to see this for myself. does someone miss having sex with his wifey?" I teased. "Dammit Ari,its been so long." he groaned. "I know Jay, I'm sorry, but soon we'll be able to again. however, that little episode there turned me on and I need help." I whispered seductively. Justin licked his lips and ran towards the door to lock it. he then came back and forced my legs apart.

"Oh fuck yes, I'm so close." I groaned. "say my name, baby." Justin screamed. "Justin b-b-Bieber-r." I moaned. "AHHH yes!" I squealed as I reached my peak. "I love you so much." Justin said kissing my lips.

-next day-


We woke up early in order for us to go to Arthur Avenue. Ari groaned as she sat up in bed and held her forehead. "you okay baby?" I asked. "mm, my head hurts and it's giving me a stomach ache." she mumbled. "do you still want to go today?" I said, leaning over and feeling her head. "yes. I'm fine Jay, let's go get the kids ready." we got up and I helped Ariana get dressed. I then went to wake the kids while ariana prepared snacks for the kids.


I stood in the kitchen cutting up carrots , apples, and peaches when a major cramp filled my abdomen. "babe, you ready to go? Kids are in the car." Justin yelled. "mmhmm. c-coming." I groaned as the pain seeped away. what the hell was that?

We started driving and the kids were all crazy. Claire and Carter sat next to each other talking LOUDLY while Connor and chase screamed at whatever they saw outside. Justin turned on the radio so it could block out most of the noise while I stared out the window and prayed that the pain wouldn't come back.

I jinxed myself- and in the worst way. it started pouring rain and we were stuck on the farthest lane to the left. no way out. the pain started to come back, only this time it was five times worst. I squeezed my seat and let out a faint moan not loud enough for anyone to hear but myself. "baby?" Justin asked looking over at me. I turned and clenched my teeth while smiling back. "are you okay?" He asked again. "mmhmm." I managed to say. the pain went away and I panted for air. "you need some water?" Justin said handing me a bottle. "yes, please." I groaned taking the bottle and sipping it down slowly.

The traffic only got worst from there on. Oh, and so did the pain. Me being myself, I hate making big deals about being in pain unless it's severe. so, since I wasn't dying, I didn't want to tell Justin and have him freak out. Plus, I wasn't in labor. Labor feels worse. Right?

"Finally, we're starting to move. wait, nevermind." Justin groaned. I looked out the window and held my stomach. I can't be in labor, can I?

We finally began to move and I was relieved. We arrived at the subway and Justin unloaded the kids. I sat in the front seat trying to stop the pain but I couldn't. it was getting stronger and stronger and I was only growing weaker. "Baby, aren't you coming?" Justin asked. I nod my head and slowly slid out of the front seat. I trot behind Justin and the kids and barely made it on to the empty subway. we started moving and I plopped on to a seat. Claire sat next to me and the boys sat in another row with Justin. a huge wave of pain caused a tear to form in my eye and slide down my cheek as i scrunched up my eyes and clenched my jaw. "mama? Why are you crying?" Claire asked. I didn't respond and just tried to fight the pain. "daddy, mommy is crying." Claire screeched over the seat. Justin turned around and I quickly wiped the tears from my eyes. "Ari? What's wrong baby?" He asked leaving the boys and rushing over. "n-n-nothing." I stuttered as I squeezed my purse. "baby tell me. I need to know." Justin said grabbing my arm. I squeezed it extremely hard and he muttered "no way." I nod and he started breathing heavily and walking back and forth. "when's the next stop!" He screamed out to no one. instead of a response, the subway screeched to a stop and the lights dimmed. "oh my fuck." Justin groaned. I screamed as a huge contraction came and the kids started to run around. "Okay Ari baby, come here." Justin said taking off his shirt and placing it on to the floor. he put my purse behind it and I laid down on to it. Justin took off his pants and used it as a blanket to cover myself when I deliver. the kids were crying and screaming just like me, only I was pushing a watermelon out of my body.

"Okay baby, did your water break yet?" Justin asked calmly. "n-n-no." I moaned back. "okay, well we have a while then. just hang tight cutie." he said holding my hand. "kids, come here." he said motioning them over. "what's happening to mommy?" Claire sobbed. "mommy Is having a baby and we need to be extra quiet so she can do it, ok?" Justin explained. Claire wiped her eyes and nod and so did the boys. "this always happens in the wrong place." I groaned. "I know baby,but it'll be ok, I promise." Justin whispered. we worked through another contraction until finally I felt a pool of water splash beneath me. "anytime now." I mumbled as the contraction ended.

I Need You-Justin Bieber and Ariana GrandeWhere stories live. Discover now