Chapter 41~welcome to New York

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Ariana's been pushing for ten minutes and nothing's happening. we can't see the baby at all. "baby you're doing great, please hang tight." I whispered. "Justin." She said with watery eyes. "it's never hurt t-this much." I held her hand and nod. I really didn't know what else to do. kelly and the kids were freaking out but I assured them that we were fine. the plane was finally about to land in NYC and I was so ready for it. the past few hours have been pure torture.... screaming, crying, pushing- all doing nothing.

As the plane landed, Ariana tried to let out another push. once everyone exited the plane, doctors came on board and set Ariana up in an better position. "this might help. now push." the doc commanded as he spread her legs apart. she squeezed my hand and groaned as the baby's head finally became visible. she was trembling and sweating,my poor baby girl. "another one Ariana." the doctor repeated. she wailed as the head made its way out. "good. again." they kept repeating. Ari pushed and pushed until she was so close that I was jumping with excitement. she looked so terrible, And I hated to admit it- with sweat all over and her whole body trembling.

She let out a huge gasp and clenched her teeth as the baby finally slid out and began to cry. Ari sighed deeply and panted for air. I looked at her and gave her a kiss on the cheek. I then gave her some water and she drank the whole bottle in less than a minute. the baby was cleaned off and given to Ariana so she could hold her and she was so precious! She must've weighed 5 Lbs at the most, little like Ari, and already had some of her features.

"What do you want to name her baby?" I asked as she relaxed a little more. she was wheeled out and kelly and the kids met up with us at the closest hospital. "well, I like the name Claire." Ari suggested. "that sounds perfect. Claire Bieber." I gave her a kiss on the cheek as the kids came inside to meet their brand new sister.


"Boys, this is Claire." I whispered. The boys came over one by one and examined their sister. "she's so small mommy. your tummy was so big." Chase remarked. I laughed at Chase and then handed the baby over to the doctor so they could take more tests.

Because I was so exhausted from the terrible flight, I decided to take a nap while everyone went to unpack at the apartment. I must've been asleep for hours because when I woke up, i was all ready to leave.

Justin and the boys picked me and Claire up at the hospital and we drove off to the apartment. I was amazed at how huge it was and how much the boys unpacked! All the furniture was perfectly in place and there were four bedrooms for all of us! The kitchen was surrounded by marble countertops and the wooden floors made the boys super excited.(they could use scooters in their rooms :) I took Claire and brought her into the master bedroom and saw how nicely Justin made the nursery area. "baby this is so great!" I squealed. "everything for my baby." he smiled. I set Claire down in her crib and she instantly fell asleep.

It was getting late so we decided to get the boys settled in bed. we said goodnight and then attended to our crying Claire. "Shh baby, mommys here now." I cooed. "You're such a good mom baby." Justin whispered in my ear. "awww jay, you're the best daddy." I said seductively. "you know we can't do it for another six weeks baby girl." He sighed. I set Claire down as she stopped crying and pulled Justin towards the bed. "we can still make out though." I said nibbling on his neck. he laid me down and kissed all over my neck and down my belly. it was so flabby from my post-pregnancy tummy but Justin continued away. he reached my area and paused. without thinking, I pushed his head down so he could keep kissing me and I felt myself getting extremely wet. "Jay stop I can't handle it." I said moving myself over. "in sorry baby. we haven't done it in so long, baby girl, I'm eager." he apologized. "i know baby, so am i. trust me if I could I would. im so in the mood right now but we have to wait six weeks." I explained again. "mmhmm. well that's going to be a very special day for going to plan a very special day." I nod and we kissed a little while longer before we had to tend to Claire again.

I Need You-Justin Bieber and Ariana GrandeWhere stories live. Discover now