New Teacher

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No one's P.O.V

As a high school student, Gulf had to follow the rules. Wearing his stupid uniform with his stupid backpack slung over his shoulder and his stupid teachers who only nagged him about his late homework. No one in the school really interested him... All prissy and snobby rich kids who only cared about money or sex... Not that he could really disagree. Although he was a virgin, he was very into the idea of sex... With a man or a woman, gender is just a concept to him... Completely meaningless. 


He walked down the hallways, rolling his eyes at the stares he received. He was actually really popular in the school. I mean, he was hot. He had pitch black, soft hair and big doe eyes, perfect lips, a tan complection, in general he had an athletes body. Not the most ripped but he definitely had muscle. Most girls in the school were interested in him, but he would look the other way. 

There was a short period of time where he went out with a girl from his algebra class, but that was a while ago. He had just moved to the school as a freshman, and had never been in a relationship before, so he jumped at the chance. After a while, he decided that he didn't like her like that, more like a sister... So they still were friends, and cared about each other, but not like that. 

"Hey! Gulf! Over here!" Speak of the devil... "Hey Pufai, how are you?" He asked, walking over to where she was standing, by her locker. "I'm good, I missed you last week. You feeling better?" He nodded. "Yeah, much better. Did I miss out on anything interesting?" She laughed. "You and you love for drama. Actually, yeah, you did. There's a new algebra teacher. I had his class last period... He's really fucking hot!" Gulf only shrugged. She said that about almost every teacher. She wasn't a slut or anything, but her... Preference in men had decreased since they broke up.

"Yeah, we'll see. I have algebra next, so I'll decide whether he's worth my time or not." Pufai only rolled her eyes playfully. "He's 29 Gulf, and you're 16. I mean, not gonna lie, you two would make a hot couple and all, but I doubt he's go for you, since the age gap is so wide, plus you're his student." Gulf shrugged. "I don't even know if he's actually hot yet. Don't run off into your mind and create fantasies."

She laughed, he head thrown back as if it was the funniest thing she'd ever heard. "What? What did I say that was so funny?" She continued giggling, trying to answer. "I-I j-just can't wait to see the look on you're face when you see him!" Gulf playfully smacked her shoulder. "Seriously, he can't be THAT hot. You know my standards are high." She smiled and turned around, pulling Gulf with her and leading him to the algebra classroom.

"Dude, chill, you're fucking stronger than you look!" Gulf groaned, rubbing his wrist when she finally let go. He looked up to see the students swarming out of the classroom, most of them either blushing, sweating, or whispering about, well, how hot the teacher was. "Well, are you gonna look?" Pufai asked, pushing Gulf towards the door. He rolled his eyes and walked into the classroom, out of the corner of his eyes seeing Pufai peeking into the classroom. 

He shifted his gaze to the front of the classroom and he just about bust a lung. "Damn..." He whispered underneath his breath. 

The teacher... Tall, muscular, chiseled, oozing with dominance, giving the students a look that seemed to give you no other option than to pay attention. Dark brown hair which was gelled back with a white button up, tight against his arms, folded up just enough to get a peek at his veiny hands, and black dress pants. 

He glanced back at Pufai with wide eyes and she smirked, wiggling her eyebrows before disappearing into the hallway, going to her own classroom.

"I see a few new faces, so can you reintroduce yourselves to me?" The teacher said, his voice even and deep, causing a shiver to run down Gulf's spine.

Going down the rows of student, each person said there name.











Finally it was Gulf's turn to introduce himself. "Gulf Kanawut." He said, proud of himself for keeping his voice steady. His teacher nodded, his eyes lingering on GUlf for a few seconds before turning back to the class. "My name is Mew, although you guys will call me Mr. Suppasit. Alright then, now that we're introduced, let's get on to the lesson. Today, we're going to be learning about-"

Gulf slowly began to zone out, staring at Mew with interest, not really caring about the subject, but caring enough to watch. He watched as Mew turned to the whiteboard, raising his arm up to write a few numbers and letters in some random equation. 

"Gulf? Can you answer this?" Gulf snapped out of his thoughts when he heard Mew call his name. "E-Er... No..." He said, shaking his head. He hadn't been paying enough attention to the actual lesson to know what was going on. "Ok... What about you, Mild?" Mew said, turning to the person in the seat next to him. 

Mild was another one of his friends, who he had bet on his first day of freshman year. "Yeah, the answer is-" Once again, Gulf zoned out, his eyes trailing down Mew's body, the defined muscles on his arms, and the veins on his hands. In the back of his mind, or maybe the front, he couldn't help but imagine having those hands wrapped around his neck, choking him while he was being pummeled into.

"Gulf, class is over." Gulf blinked a few times before looking up at Mew, who was looking down at him with a raised eyebrow. "Sorry, I zoned out." He laughed. "I can see that. You better get going. Don't want you to be late for your next class." Gulf nodded and packed up his things, shivering at Mew's gaze, which he could feel on his back as he walked out. 

"Well, how was it? What do you think?" Gulf jumped when Pufai came running up to him. He glared at her, but she brushed it off. "I was right, wasn't I?" He sighed in defeat. "Yes, he's hot. Happy?" She did a small victory dance and wrapped her arm around his shoulder. "Well, it doesn't happen often, so yes, I'm happy." He couldn't help but smile that graced his face. "Whatever shorty." He ruffled her hair, messing it up, making her pout. "That was rude." 

Gulf only laughed in response, walking to his next class.

Gulf only laughed in response, walking to his next class

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