It's a Date

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No one's P.O.V

As Gulf walked down the hallway, he saw a few people looking at the obvious hickeys on his neck, making him both proud and shy. Proud because he really liked Mew and wanted to show people he was taken, and shy, because he had never been in this kind of relationship. "So, you gonna tell me who did that?" Gulf jumped when he heard Pufai's voice come from behind him. "Yeah, Mew did." Her eyes widened. "You're together with Mr. Perfect?" Gulf nodded. "Yup, and we just discovered that our age difference doesn't matter! The legal age of consent is 15, so I mean, he can't get in trouble for it."

Pufai smiled. "Like I said, you two make a hot couple. But don't be making out in public, or at least on school grounds, you know?" Gulf laughed and nodded. "I know, not in public, but when we're alone, it's free game." Pufai looked around quickly to make sure no one was listening before turning back to Gulf. "Have you guys fucked yet?" Gulf blushed. "Well that's blunt... Yeah, we have." She smiled widely. "Oh my god! My ship is coming true!"

"You and your fucking Yaoi brain... Good lord, how interested are you in gay shit?" She shrugged. "I mean, I watch gay porn, so.... Pretty interested. If I were a guy, I would be gay." He laughed. "You're weird." She nodded. "I am WELL aware, you don't have to remind me."

They walked to their class and walked to their regular seats, looking at the front. 

"Is he big?" Pufai whispered to him, making him blush. "I refuse to answer that question..." She smirked. "It totally is, your face gives it away." He rolled his eyes, still slightly embarrassed but also used to her making comments like this. "Pay attention, we can talk later." He muttered after the teacher gave him a glare. She sighed but nodded, pouting.


*After class, since I'm lazy*

"So have you told anyone yet?" Mew asked as Gulf sat on his lap. It was the end of the school day and Gulf had finally answered all of Pufai's questions (Thank god) So he could be alone with Mew now. "I told Mild and Pufai. Other than that, no. Are you gonna tell anyone?" He nodded. "Yeah, actually. Tul? The principle, but also one of my best friends. I told him, and he was confused at first, but he supports it. He says we make a cute couple, as long as we don't show PDA in the school. Outside is fair game."

Gulf smiled and cuddled closer to Mew. "Wanna go on a date tomorrow? Since it's saturday?" Gulf blushed. "Yeah, where?" Mew chuckled. "I know it's basic but there's a traveling fair that's coming to a place near here, and I was hoping you would go with me." Gulf beamed. "Sure! Is there a specific time?" Mew shrugged. "Around 12, if you're able to." He nodded. "Sounds perfect." Mew smiled and kissed Gulf's forehead. "Well then, it's a date."

Mr. Perfect {Mewgulf}Where stories live. Discover now