Getting ready

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No one's P.O.V

They sat there, staring at each other with confused and conflicted emotions swirling around in their eyes. "I'm sorry..." Mix whispered, unable to make his voice go any louder. Gulf stayed quiet, trying to think of a response. Of course he didn't blame Mix for anything, but now he was concerned even more. For so long he had hated the person who had driven the truck that day, but from Mix's perspective, he had also lost a parent.

"Why are you apologizing?" Gulf rasped, also not trusting his voice. "I don't know, it felt right in the moment..." Gulf shook his head. "You have nothing to apologize for. You did nothing wrong..." Mix's lower lip quivered as if he was about to cry again. Even though Gulf was younger than Mix, he still felt as if he was the older. The person who would keep Mix safe instead of th either way around. 

"Would you like to talk about it more? Or... Or do you want to distract ourselves?" Mix sniffed and smiled weakly. "We could talk about this another time... I-I wanna know you more... Less... Deep stuff and more just friendly stuff, you know?" Gulf nodded, sighing as the tension died down. "So, how did you and Mew meet? What was it like? How did he ask you out??" Gulf laughed, since he wasn't expecting Mix to go to that topic first. "Well, it's kinda a long story..."

Mix shrugged. "I got time." Gulf sighed. "Ok... So... As you already know, he's my teacher and... Well... I don't know if this is gonna be weird or not but we kinda started off as... Um... Fuck buddies before we actually started dating." Mix raised an eyebrow. "So, how is it?" Gulf blushed. "I swear, you and Pufai both have an interest about how big my boyfriends dick is." Mix laughed. "Sorry, I thought it was funny." He laughed playfully.

"I guess it was. But hey, now it's my turn. WHat about your love life?" Mix blushed. "You might know him actually... Earth? He also goes to your school..." Gulf raised an eyebrow. "You mean the senior who's like... Totally ripped and tall and shit?" Mix nodded. "Damn, talking about another guys muscles when you have a boyfriend?" Gulf shrugged. "I can say another guy has nice muscles, but I only liked being handled with my BOYFRIENDS muscles."

"Handled?" Gulf laughed. "Trust me, you don't want to know." Mix cocked his eyebrow. "A huh, are you sure you're not just scared to tell me?" Gulf blushed. "Maybe a little... I- Um... We aren't exactly vanilla..." Mix laughed. "Well, I'd say you have a pretty interesting relationship with him. I could literally feel the tension oozing between you two in the car. I was thinking about hopping out to give you two some time to fuck." Gulf blushed. "That's enough out of you. Oh, I have an Idea by the way."

Gulf took out his phone and dialed a number, holding it up to his ear. "Who are you calling?" Mix asked. "You'll see. Oh, hey! How yah doing? I was wondering if you wanted to come to the club with a few of my friends tonight? Yeah? Cool, come over to my house at 12, yeah?"

Gulf hung up the phone and then went to his texts, sending something to the unknown number. "Are you going to leave me in the blank here?" Gulf nodded, smirking. "Oh, you're coming too by the way." Gulf said, getting up and searching through his closet to find something to wear. "I also wanna meet my dads boyfriend, who works at the club there. Apparently he's a bouncer there." Mix nodded. 

"Hold on, Imma tell my dad I'm going out tonight." Mix's eyes widened. "You're gonna tell your DAD you're going to a CLUB???" Gulf nodded. "Yeah, we've talked about it before. "Of course, he's fine with it. Not the most responsible parent, but at the same time, it's really nice. He's letting me grow up on my own, and yes, I still do stupid stuff like this, I know he's gonna be there for me. Plus, we already made an agreement. If anything happens, it's not his fault. He's not gonna bail me out."

Mix watched as Gulf walked out of the room, then looked down at Gulf's phone, which had started buzzing, exploding with texts.

Earth: Dude

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