His Past

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Like the last chapter, this will also have some sensitive topics... Just giving you a warning before reading it.

No one's P.O.V

Mew froze as he heard the words come out of Gulf's mouth, anger bubbling up in his chest. "He. Did. What?" Mew said, his voice eerily cold. "H-He raped me..." Gulf's voice was much softer than before... As if he regretted saying it, and was scared of what would happen next, which was understandable. 

Porsch, who was standing next to Llong at the time, quickly walked over to Gulf and stood beside him. No one knew what to say in that moment, other than Mew's comforting words, trying to calm Gulf down from his panic attack. "Hey, come back to me baby... You're safe..." Gulf slowly stopped shaking and looked at Mew wit sad eyes, unable to comprehend anything that was happening.

It was still the middle of the night, so it was dark, but Gulf could see Llong clearly... See every detail and how he remembered him. How easily he had coaxed Gulf into being his friend, and how he took advantage of that. 

Mew's glare was enough for Llong to back away, terrified of what Mew would do. "I-I didn't... I don't know what he's talking about!" Llong defended, but the look on his face showed he was lying. Mew tried to stand up, but Gulf gripped onto his arm. "No, don't go... Please don't leave me..." He whimpered, breaking Mew's heart. Llong looked at the two and felt jealousy bubble up in his chest, for some reason still attracted to Gulf.

He advanced slightly, as if wanting to hold Gulf, but Mew didn't let him. "Baby... I'll be right back, I promise..." Mew said softly, running his fingers through Gulf's hair. 

Gulf loosened his grip and nodded, letting Mew get up and walk over to Llong. Gulf could see how angry Mew was... His possessiveness was something Gulf both loved and hated, and he knew what Mew was most likely going to do. "P-Phi, don't-" But it was too late. Mew had already landed a solid punch to Llong's jaw, easily knocking him to the ground.

Although it stopped after that, Llong still was dazed... Mew was strong... And Llong knew he couldn't win in a fight, so he ran... He turned around and ran away from them. Mew turned and rushed back to Gulf when he heard a small whimper, and immediately engulfed him into his arms. "Hey, calm down... Let's get you home... Ok?" Gulf nodded, allowing Mew to pick him up bridal style and carry him back to his house, which he was thankful was so close. 

"Oh my god, what happened??" Gulf's dad said as he saw Mew holding his son in his arms. Gulf had fallen asleep, too anxious to be awake. "He- He saw Llong again... And he..." His dad furrowed his brows. "Llong...?" Mew sighed. "I don't know his last name. All I know is he... He really hurt Gulf..."

Gulf twitched in Mew's arms and Mew set him on the couch, sitting beside him. "What do you mean? I know he said some hurtful things... But Gulf is strong, and he never let them get to him..." Mew shook his head. "He didn't tell you the full story then... Gulf just told me that Llong... He... R-Raped him..." Gulf's dad froze in shock, not understanding why his son didn't tell him.

"He was raped?" Mew nodded. "That's what he told me... Llong came to the club, and Gulf had a panic attack. He... It seemed like he went back in his mind, and when I tried to hold him and get him back to reality, he just started screaming... After a while I was able to coax him out, but then, when I asked him what happened, he told me about what Llong had done to him." 

Gulf's dad looked at his son sadly. "I- I didn't know he... Went through that..." Mew could see the guilt on Gulf's dad's face. "And, where is he now?" His dad asked, looking up at Mew. "I don't know, he ran off."

Gulf's dad sighed and took a deep breath. "Listen. I don't know if I should tell you this, but very few things are able to calm him down when he gets a panic attack. Not even I can... And the fact that you did, makes me realize how much you mean to him, so I think you deserve to know... Everything. He's been through hell Mew."

Mew cocked his head to the side in confusion. "What do you mean?"

"Well, The first thing that really caused him to become closed off was his best friend... When he was 7, he had a friend, his name was Shane. He had moved in the house next door to ours, the first time living in Thailand. He was originally from america, and Gulf was immediately interested in him. They became close friends really quickly, and were inseparable... One day, when they were playing in the front yard, doing the things they normally did, a fight broke out across the street from us.

I wasn't there at the time, or at least, I wasn't outside. His mom and I had been cooking dinner for them. I had asked the neighbors what happened after the incident, and apparently, our neighbor had gotten drunk and had gone into a rage when he found out his wife was cheating on him. He ended up killing her, then when he went outside, just randomly started firing his gun, and one of the bullets his Shane... 

It was really hard for Gulf, because that was the first time he had seen someone pass... And that was the start of his trauma.

When he was 11, he and his mom... Were driving to something for school, since he had just transferred, and got into a car crash... His- His mom passed away in that crash..." Gulf's dad sniffed, and Mew felt tears begin to stream down his face. He looked down at the sleeping boy in his arms and winced, thinking of the things he had been through...

"After that, when he was about 13, I found out that his teacher had been abusing him... So I took him out of school-" Mew's eyes widened. "Abusing him how??" His dad sighed. "He came home from school with a black eye, and when I asked, he said his teacher had punched him. I asked the school to look into it, and when they checked the security footage, I found out that his teacher had been really violent with him... Asking him to stay after class whenever he didn't finish an assignment, or something like that. He would... He would physically hurt him....

His teacher was fired after that, but I still switched his school. That's when he was transferred to the school you work at." Mew nodded. In his mind, thinking about he and Gulf's relationship. Why had he been so ok with everything? He had willingly began a relationship with a teacher, even after all of the awful things another teacher had done to him.

"You came along after than, and I found out through other resources that San, who you already know, had been bullying and sexually assaulting Gulf whenever no one was watching. One of the reasons I am ok with him being with you is I can tell how much you care... And you helped him... Ever since you came into his life, he has been less... Distant. Even though I am WELL aware that those 'detentions' were not actually detentions, I figured, because of how happy he became, that everything would be ok. So I didn't stop him.

That's another reason why I don't stop him from doing other things, like going to clubs and sneaking out. I know what he's been through, and I want him to know that he has control over his own life. I know I'm not the best parent, but the way I parent has made him independent, and I need him to know that. He is well aware that I love him, and that he can come to me if he has issues, but at the same time, I know my boundaries."

He paused, looking at Mew, who's eyes were fixed on Gulf. Seeing the hurt on Mew's eyes made him happy... But it also made him sad. He could see how much Mew cared, and he could tell that Mew could take care of him...

"Another thing I should tell you... And Porsch knows this as well, is I don't have much longer..." Mew's eyes widened. "What do you mean by that??" His dad sighed. "Well, I have yet tot ell Gulf this, because I don't want him feeling worse, now that he's happy... But I have cancer... And... I don't have much longer to live. I was told recently that I have about 2 months left..." Mew groaned and rubbed his face in his hands. "And why haven't you told him?" Mew asked, looking up at Gulf's dad.

"I don't know... I just, I don't want him to think about it, and if he knew that he is going to loose the only parent he has left, it is going to break him even more than he already it broken." Mew gulped, knowing that this information was true... When Gulf found out, he would be devastated... "you need to to tell him... Soon." His dad nodded. "I am aware... I just never know the right time."

Mew looked down at Gulf once more and his eyes widened as he saw tears flowing from Gulf's  eyes, which were wide open... He had heard everything.

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