Hospital Visit

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No one's P.O.V

Gulf woke up a few hours later, lying in a hospital bed. "What-" He mumbled, trying to sit up but immediately lying back down when he felt a stabbing pain in his side. "Hey, calm down, you're ok." Gulf glanced up to see his dad sitting there with him. "What happened?" He vaguely remembered, but everything was still fuzzy. "According to your teacher, you had gotten hurt at school, and passed out when he was trying to help you." Gulf nodded, remembering what he and Mew had been talking about before everything went south.

"So... Are you gonna tell me how you got hurt?" His dad asked, leaning forward with a serious look on his face. Gulf sighed. "I guess at this point, I don't have a choice. There's someone names San at school, and he enjoys... Er, taunting me..." Gulf muttered, wanting to put this in the least descriptive was possible. "And?" Gulf bit his lip nervously. "Well, I guess this time he took it too far, and I actually ended up getting pretty hurt." His dad nodded. "You are aware I'm going to tell the school this." Gulf nodded, already knowing how this was going to go.

"What... What did they tell you?" Gulf asked, referring to the school and doctors. "Well, you had a pretty bad cut on your side, and a bad bruise on the back of your head, plus the black eye and cut on your face, which is visible. You also have a few bruises on your arms, and one on your knee." Gulf's eyes widened, remembering the searing pain in his side when San had first shoved him against the locker. "Damn this jacket, I guess I didn't notice the bleeding..." He muttered. 

"Hey, calm down with the potty mouth." His dad said in a teasing tone, trying to calm Gulf down a bit. Gulf let out a weak laugh but cringed when once again he felt the pain in his side. "Gosh darn this jacket? Is that better?" He asked, smiling slightly. "Yeah, much better. You already know I don't give a fuck if you swear though." His dad said, smirking.

"Well shit, if you say to." Gulf laughed back, happy that his dad was there and helping him relieve the pain.

He suddenly began thinking about Mew. How easily he had distracted him... He wished Mew were there... "Oh, by the way, do you have a new teacher? The one I talked to, I had never bet before." Gulf blushed and nodded. "Y-Yeah, He's pretty cool..." His dad raised an eyebrow at Gulf's suspicious stutter. "Alright? Well, he's very nice, and I can tell he cares about you. Thank god you have at least ONE good teacher there."

"Yeah, he's nice. I mean, he actually helps me." Gulf said. In a way, that was true. He didn't need to go into detail about HOW he helped him though. "Yeah, I've noticed in the last few days, you've actually been trying..."

Gulf was about to respond when there was a knock at the door. "Come in." Gulf called, watching as a nurse walked into the room. "Helly, sorry to interrupt, but there's someone here to see you." She said, making way so Mew motherfucking Suppasit walked in. 

"Oh, hello, you're Mr. Suppasit, right?" His dad said, looking up at him. "Yeah, I knew about Gulf being in the hospital and everything else, so I just wanted to stop by to see how he was doing. I was really worried, you know?" His dad nodded. "Well, thank you for helping him." Mew nodded, smiling.

"Gulf? You ok?" His dad asked when Gulf said nothing. He was staring at his hands and his face was bright red. "Well someone has a crush on a teacher, don't they..." He heard his dad whisper, which Mew didn't hear, thankfully. (Even though Gulf was pretty sure Mew already knew about his crush)

"How are you doing?" Mew asked, still standing. "You can sit down if you want? Keep him company? I was gonna go grab some food from the food court. Gulf, do you want anything?" Gulf shook his head. "No, I'm good, thanks." His dad turned to Mew. "And you?" Mew shook his head. "No, but it's kind of you to ask." He gave one of his irresistible smiled and even Gulf's dad blushed a little. I mean, who wouldn't!?

When Gulf's dad left the room, Mew immediately got up and walked over to Gulf, cupping his face. "I'm so sorry Gulf... I-I..." Mew felt as if it were his fault... Feeling as if he hadn't noticed Gulf's injury in time. "Hey, it's ok, I'm fine now... You did nothing wrong..." Gulf said softly, smiling at Mew. Mew sighed, sitting next to him on the bed. "I was really worried about you..." Mew admitted. "How sweet." Gulf said, laughing, but Mew shook his head. "No, I'm being serious, I was really nervous that you were... You were gonna..." 

Gulf leaned forward and pecked Mew's lips. "I'm fine, I promise. Everything is ok..." Mew blushed and smiled shyly. "I've never seen you blush before." Gulf said, smiling. "I've never felt the way I'm feeling before." Gulf cocked his head to the side in confusion. "What do you mean by that?" Mew shook his head. "Now isn't the time. You need to get rest, ok?"

He leaned Gulf back and patted his head, making sure to avoid any bruising on Gulf's face. "I really care about you, and when you get back to school, whenever that is, I'll be waiting there for you."

Now it was Gulf's turn to blush, not expecting the sweet words Mew was feeding him. "Cute... Well, I should get going now, since it's late, and you need rest. I'll see you soon, ok?" Gulf nodded, pulling Mew closer and kissing him once more before pushing him away. "See you soon."

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Someone asked me why I liked Mew and Gulf

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Someone asked me why I liked Mew and Gulf...

*Ahem* *Cough Cough* 

Get ready for a fucking list...


He's Nice

He's talented

He's Humble

He's caring

He's hot

He cares about Wanjaai's like family

He's an amazing actor

He's funny

His smile is amazing

He can sing!!!!!!

He and Gulf just... Fit together.


He's Sweet

He's adorable

He can also be hot

He's funny

He has an adorable smile

He's an adorable bean we must protect

His laugh is fucking adorable

He's humble

He's an amazing actor

He cares so much about Wanaai's, just like Mew

He and Mew, one again, Fit together Perfectly.

Thank you for listening to my randomly placed opinions. Have a good day.❤❤

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