chapter 3

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-Elis' POV-
What if Angela and I can become one? And if we do... will it last forever? How long can it last? I doubt she even feels the same. Well I'll go along with it, I guess. As I'm walking home, I see her walking home. She seems to be alone. She probably won't even talk to me.
As soon as I get home, I play on my Xbox one and played GTA V. I was in this lobby with this girl and her gamer tag was oddang, we got along, and we tried robbing a store, yet failed horribly. It was fun, apparently she goes to the same school as me. I hope to find out who it is soon.
-next day-
I start to get ready for school. I see Angela with her friends. I want to go up to her, but what if she won't talk to me? All these questions come to mind.
The bell rang, and i met up with my friends. I just noticed, Angela's class is right next door to mine! That means we both have math first period. Ms.Tare, my teacher interupted my thoughts with teaching us how to find the slope of a graph. This topic was confusing so I hid my phone under the desk and started playing one of my favorite games.
Finally the bell rings to go to second period. I ran into the classroom to see if Angela was there. Instead I found myself sitting all alone.
Suddenly I see her walking through the door. I was a bit scared to walk up to her, so I just sat in a desk that was placed in a corner. Our MESA teacher had told us about a competition called the SeaPerch. It sound hard to build, but I thought it would be cool to go to the competition so I signed up.

-Angela's POV-
Our teacher announced to us about a competition. I wanted to join but I was scared no one would talk to me. Soon I found out Elis signed up for this competition. So I ended up joining.
A crazy thing had happened to me Yesterday though. I found this guy on a lobby playing GTA V. This guy's gamer tag was crazyboi I think. Anyways, we tried robbing places, we got along really well, and I want to meet him. I discovered he goes to the same school as me. Hopefully we find each other in the same class or classes. There was also a wierd thing that happened during passing period, while i was on my way to second period I saw this boy who looked similar to Elis running but then again it can be my imagination.
I hope you guys like it, i wrote 3 chapters in 1 day! I had put a lot of thought and effort into this, so comment and put this story to your library! (': It would mean so much to me, I will continue the other chapters tomorrow or do a bit of the fourth chapter today. OK BYE!! :D

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