chapter 9

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-Angela's POV- 

I probably have gotten about 5 text messages from "A". I'm annoyed, pissed off, yet scared. I try to calm myself by listening to Pierce The Veil and there album, "Colide With The Sky" is what is called. I start to let it blast loudly into my ears. My music is paused by another shity message from "A" . This time the text says, "sooner or later. im waiting, im done waiting lolol so u better do it tmrw                            hugs-A". I swear to god. You know what I will tell Elis. If he doesn't feel the same... then I guess I will have to deal with it for the rest of my life. I might not even have a life if he doesn't feel the same. I know I'm over-exagerating, but I've ben handling too many problems. Wait, I got a text from Jenny also, from last night. It said to call her, and so I did. 

"Hey, whats up ?" I ask.

"T-terrible, h-he, che-eated on me..." she said while crying. I felt so bad I wanted to go over to her house, find out where Jon lives and beat the absolute crap out of him. But to be nice, I did not yell at her. 

"It's ok dude. He is just another guy that takes you one step closer to find the one. Yea you loved him, yea he cheated on you but, once a cheater always a cheater. Tomorrow after school, lets go to McDonalds?" 

She agreed. 

-next day-

(still Angela's POV) 

I guess today is the day I tell him. As I get to shcool, I trip on a rock and hit the ground really hard. Someone helped me up. It was Elis?! I wanted to tell him right and there but I chickened.

"You ok?"he asked with an adorable smile I fell for.

"Yea it was just a huge rock that got in the middle of the sidewalk, when I decide to walk to school." I said and we started to laugh. Was I blushing? I'm pretty sure I was.

-Elis' POV-

We started talking, while walking to school. I looked at her, and she was blushing. Does she feel the same?!??!!!! She's probably thinking about something else. I really like her. I would love to go out with her but I need to know how she feels. As we entered schools, we decided to go our seperate ways. My friends were all yelling like "WHOOOOOOOO BRO YOU GOT GAME!"

"hahhaa, naah. I'm pretty sure she likes someone else." they talked to me that she obviously liked me, but I didn't buy it.

-Angela"s POV-

As I entered school we of course went ourr sepereate ways. I heard his friends all being loud, and I just giggled. Not only were his friends yelling, my friends were all like, "AWWW OTP OTP I SHIP THEM!!!!!!!". I told them that he obviously likes someone else. Jenny was like, "oh my god dude, its obvious you like him, hu?"

"maybe..." i responded.

"I KNEW IT!! hahahaa" 

Wait. How does she know? Did I really make it that obvous?

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