chapter 11

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-Elis' POV-

Angela has been really worried. I think it might be the "A" person. I got to do something about this person.

So Angela and I went to the park, she loved to go on the swings. I'll never forget that. I'm pretty sure she knew I loved to use the monkey bars. So when we would go to the park, we were like little kids, playing on the slide, running around playing tag.

After running around, we sat down, I kept asking her what and who was "A". She didn't give me much detail. She pretty much just said that this person has been a sort of threat, and she doesnt know who it is.

-Angela's POV-

I told him about "A", but I'm really scared at this point. I got another text saying, "THATS IT. EITHER U OR HIM GETS IT! but still, I hope ur happy, and lucky about him. loathe(it means hate btw)-A". Does that mean she'll kill him?! No that can't happen. If she or he kills me, I'd be fine, because I would know that someone actually liked me. So pretty much I'd die happily.

On another note, we left the park and went to his house. His mom had offered us cookies she had baked, Elis seemed embarassed, but I thought his mom was so sweet! I was at his house till a quarter after 5pm(5:15pm you could say). A little bit after leaving his house, I heard a gunshot. This made me super worried.

*before the gunshot*

-Elis' POV-

I went to my room to take a nap, I opened my window because of how hot this day is. I listened to some music to help me sleep. When I closed my eyes, I didnt fall aleep instantly, instead someon was in my room. They had a gun. I was scared, I started to tremble. I wasn't able to tell if it was a girl or a boy, but the gun pointed at me, and I stood there in fear. I was about to yell out for my mom but I was cut off by the noise of the gun being fired.

*after the sound*

-Angela's POV-

I ran to Elis' house, as I entered I got a text, but I didn't bother looking. I ran to his room, to find his body laying on the floor and his mom right next to him sobbing. As my knees hit the floor I started to throb. I was next to him, his mom called th ambulance. The bullet hit his forhead, aiming for his brain, killing him instantly. As soon as they got here, I demanded to go with them.

"I can't believe he... he was gone." i said while crying. I decided to look at the text. AND ITS AOTHER TEXT FROM "A"!!! WHAT DOES THIS GOD DAMN FUCKING PRICK WANT!!!

"Oh hey, btw the gun was me, haha oops. see thats what happens to girls who are lucky. apparently ur one. lmao XD hearts-A".

OK I'VE HAD IT WITH "A" I MUST FIND OUT WHO IT IS. I replied, "hey little fkr, I want to knw who u r?!?"

I didnt' get a reply back from this person.

*days pass*

It's been alost a moth since he died. I-I loved him. Today was the day of his funeral, and his visiting thing you can say. I cried when I saw his poor cold body in the coffin. I cried a fucking waterfall. When they put his coffin undergroud, I almost threw myslef into the hole and I wanted to be burried with him. If only he knew I loved him. After a while, his mother contacted me saying that it was my fault he got shot.

Soon enough everyone blammed it on me. I fought and told them that it wasn't me. They didn't believe me. I wasn't in the same room when the shooting happened. Then ai get a text from "A" saying,

"It's your worst nightare, that lays right before your eyes kisses-A".

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