23. The Other Outfit

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"I don't want to hear those kinds of arguments when I've told you to do something," Lulu spoke sternly. "Arguing like little little kids is for when we're not waiting for you. Now, are you going to lie down and let me and Paper dress you?"

"But I want–" Dawn was the first to protest, but nobody stopped to listen.

"I can do it myself!" Spanky protested. He knew he wanted to obey, but every time Mommy mentioned dressing him, he felt so weak and embarrassed. He couldn't leave it without a little argument.

"Really?" Paper raised an eyebrow.

"He can't even take his shirt off!" Dawn piped up.

Spanky looked down at himself. He'd only managed to unfasten a couple of buttons, while Dawn had left all her clothes in a pile on the floor. Desperate not to let his big sister talk down to him, he raced through unbuttoning his shirt, and then kicked off his jeans. It took a few seconds until there was only fur showing, and he was laid back on the bed as instructed.

"Well," Paper said, "We know how to get Spanky to do as he's told. But Dawn, dear, I think that was a little too much. Lulu already told you not to taunt your little brother."

"I'm sorry," Dawn mumbled, her mood deflating, "But he did it. I helped, right?"

"You did. You're a good girl. And Spanky, you can dress yourself?"

"I can!" he protested weakly, knowing that it wasn't his choice after all.

"Okay then. You dress yourself, and show us you're a big girl. If you can get yourself dressed, then you can be the big sister for today, and Dawn can be the baby."

"Yeah!" Spanky grinned, ignoring Dawn's faint mumbles of "Not fair!"

"Okay!" Spanky reached out for his T-shirt and quickly pulled it over his head. He thought he might be able to pull it on so quickly, but a minute later he was still trying to find the hole to stick his head out of, with a layer of cotton twisted around his muzzle. He kept on poking, trying to find the way out, but it was a lot harder than it looked.

"I can do better than that!" Dawn giggled, "Should I get dressed myself too? I bet I can do it faster than Spanky."

"You can try, if you're sure, We'll see who can be most grown-up today. Ah, no! Don't forget your diaper, dear. If you want to do it yourself, then you need to do it properly."

"Awww," Spanky could just imagine his sister's sullen pout, sticking her tongue out in displeasure. But she sounded resigned, like she was going to do what she was told, at least. Finally, he managed to get his head out from under his shirt, and he could see what was going on.

Dawn hadn't managed her shirt yet, she was just fastening the diaper around her waist. It was the same as all the ones in the pack, with a cutesy print and two tapes on either side. She stuck her tongue out of the corner of her mouth as she adjusted the tapes, and then finally seemed to be satisfied. While Spanky was still struggling to turn his shirt round so that he could find an arm hole, Dawn was lifting up first one leg and then the other to slide them into her shortalls. She checked the crotch snaps were fastened properly, and then sat up and grabbed the T-shirt Spanky had chosen for her.

"See, I can..." she started to boast, and then her eyes widened and her cheeks started to redden again. She was staring into the middle distance, not looking at anything in the room. Spanky could only assume her attention was focused on something he couldn't easily see. Maybe she'd wet herself already, just like Paper had said she would. He grinned as he thought of all the things he could say to increase her embarrassment. And maybe even the things he could do if he managed to get his hands on that blue yo-yo later. He knew he was probably too young to be trusted with such a magical item, but if his big sister laughed at him again for having problems with his clothes, she'd certainly deserve it.

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