Chapter 20

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Another chapter, as promised my loves ❤️

Scarlett's P.O.V

"Hey princess," the spawn of Satan said. "How are y-,"

"Get the fuck out," I snapped, cutting him off.

"Scar..." he started.

"I don't give a fuck. Get out. I have nothing to say to you," I said.

"Look, I don't know who that idiot was that was in here, but I'm here to stay. I'm sorry that I pushed you away and couldn't commit. I'm sorry I let you down, but I know you miss me. I've been going crazy without you. Please come home," he pleads. All I could do was laugh.

"You? Miss me? That's fucking rich, Alexander. You act like you give a shit and then when it comes to committing you couldn't give me that. You kiss me and tell me all these amazing things, and turn around and become an absolute dick. I have a home, and it is nowhere near you or with you," I seethed.

"Scarlett, for the love of God, I was protecting you!" he yelled.

"Protecting me? Of course that's your fucking excuse. What was it, huh? The girl you took pity on wasn't strong enough for you? Was I too much of a damn embarrassment to you? Tarnishing your stupid fucking reputation? Well, you got what you wanted. I'm out the picture. Now do yourself a favor and get the fuck out of my life," I replied, willing myself not to cry as the tears threatened to spill.

"Scarlett, I don't know why you would ever think that I-," he started, but I cut him off.

"I fucking heard the conversation, Alex. That night you were in your office late and I went to check on you. You remember?" I asked.

"What do you-"

"Let me remind you. You got a phone call. And you said and I quote, "Yeah, her family is really fucked up, but you know me, always taking care of charity." I tried to push it aside, tell myself that it wasn't me you were talking about. I told myself that you actually gave a fucking damn about what happened to me and then what? You pushed me aside like I was nothing. Like my feelings were nothing. Feelings that you yourself know you have, you're just too much of a fucking pussy to acknowledge them. So I moved the fuck on and I'd appreciate it if you could leave me the fuck alone!" I yelled back at him.

"Scarlett, I do care about you," he said with a sigh. "I never stopped looking for you. But you just disappeared. And then I saw that other fucker kiss you and I need you to know that you are mine. You don't get to walk out my life and disappear. You belong to me," he said roughly.

"I belong to no one. And to be clear, I didn't walk out of your life, you pushed me out of it. This is no one's fault but your own. I moved on and so should you. You reek of whore anyway. I'm sure someone misses you, but it sure as fuck isn't me," I replied, wiping the tears that had fallen and looking away.

It wasn't true. Truth was, I missed him like crazy. I missed his touch, his scent, his lips on mine. But I couldn't go back. He made his choice. And I have Cade now. He loves me.

"Who was the fucker that was just in here? He couldn't even bother to bring you your favorite flowers," he said, and it's then I noticed that Cade's flowers aren't next to me, but in the trash, and in place of them, Alex's.

"My boyfriend. Can you leave now?" I asked.

"Scarlett, I don't blame you for being mad or moving on. That would be hypocritical of me. But please just leave him. He seems like a complete dumbass and I know that I'll never hurt you again. Please Scarlett," he said. He really misses me, huh? Too bad I won't give into him that easily. Though he was right. Cade was a dumbass. The biggest fucking inconsiderate dumbass. Yet, I couldn't leave him. I couldn't crawl back to Alex just like that.


"Hey baby," Cade said, giving me a quick kiss.

"Hey," I replied with a smile.

"God, you should see my truck, she's fucking wrecked. It's going to take a fortune to repair her," he sighed, running his hands through his hair as he sat down and pulled out his phone.

"Oh, I'm s-," I started.

"Yeah. The mechanic said I might as well just get a whole new truck because my baby will never be the same. All that money I spent on modifying her just went down the drain," he said frustratingly.

"Well, thank you for asking how I was," I said with an eye roll.

"You're up, breathing, and awake. I can assume you're fine, whereas my truck, is not," he snapped.

"Is all you care about that stupid truck?" I asked, appalled at his reply.

"Stop being annoying, it's not stupid. If you hadn't driven into that truck, we wouldn't be here right now," he replied.

"He drove into me! He was a drunk fucking driver for fuck's sake! I was in a coma for a week! We could have died! We're lucky enough to be alive, and you're lucky enough that you got out without any major injuries! But what did I get? I'll tell you what! I get stuck in a bed not knowing if I'll ever walk again. So excuse me for wanting my boyfriend who claims to love me to ask how I'm feeling and being absolutely annoyed when all he seems to give a shit about is his stupid fucking truck!" I yelled, tears streaming down my face.

"Ba-," he started, but I didn't want to hear it.

"Get the fuck out," I said, pointing to the door.


"No. Get. The fuck. Out," I seethed, and with that, he left without another word.

<<Flashback Over>>

"What are you so lost in thought about?" Alex asked me.

"You're still here?" I asked with an eye roll.

"I thought I made it clear that I wasn't leaving?" he replied.

"I thought I made it clear I wanted you gone?" I asked with an eye roll.

"You want me gone yet you're still holding my hand. That's interesting and contradictory, love," he replied. I hadn't even noticed that our fingers were still interlocked. When I tried to get out of his grip, however, he held my hand even tighter.

'Can you let go?" I asked, annoyed.

"I'm not making the same mistake twice, so no," he replied, staring at me intently. Weirdo.

"Can you stop staring at me like a creep then?" I asked.

"No," Alrighty then. As if Jesus was listening to me, Alex got a call and I knew from the pissed expression that came across his face, he had to leave.

"I have to go. Something came up, but I will be back," he said as he got up, finally letting go of my hand.

"I know," I replied. Part of me was grateful that he was finally leaving, but another part of me wanted him to stay. Stupid emotions.

"Do you need me to bring you anything when I come back?" he asked, clearly wanting to delay his departure.

"No, you can go now," I said. He turned around and headed toward the door, but stopped, turned back around, and walked towards me.

"Alex, yo-" I started, but didn't get to finish as he cut me off, smashing his lips against mine.

"What are you doing?" I asked as I pulled away.

"Reminding you who you belong to," he said with a cheeky smile. "I have to go, but I will be back," he said, kissing me one more time and then leaving.

And for some reason, I couldn't wipe that stupid smile off my face.

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