Oneshot Twenty-Seven, Exposé pt2

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Daveed POV- I woke up to hear yells and loud sirens coming from outside, I look over at Emmy's and see she's sound asleep and let her stay that way, she had a good day and I didn't want her to start today with whatever is going on, I slowly crawl out of bed and go over to the bedroom window opening it slightly to see theirs a crowd of people standing on our front lawn as the police are trying to usher them away. Confused, I ran over to my phone pulling it off the charger to see three missed calls from my manager. I call back confused and scared.

“hey Daveed you've finally answered the phone,” he said in a condescending tone as I walked around our room finding my robe.

Daveed: come on Elliot just tell me what's going on?

“Okay okay, so yesterday, while you were afking from your phone someone going by the name of Gace51937, started to offer people on Instagram stories and posts the chance to get you and Emmy's home address along with Daveed and Jasmine's,” He said as he vigorously typed on his keyboard.

Daveed: what!

“Yeah,  and overnight is becoming a sensation millions of fans have made Instagram and Twitter posts saying that they're going to show up to your house and be specific about the date today being one of them included.  what I advise you in doing is not to leave the house, do not engage, just let the authorities deal with it” He said before hanging up the phone. How are you doing against the wall trying to rethink when this could have happened, then he looked through his phone, or a total of three times yesterday it showed singing over a hundred notifications from Twitter and Instagram he didn't take the check on.

He went back over into their room and grabbed his phone as he suspected there were over 400 notifications, how in the world did this person get out the address he thought.

Emmy: Daveed what's going on

She rolled over to his side of the bed to face him still half-asleep, Dobby says phone down encroached down over the side of the bed to look her in her face. She always found her beautiful when she was half awake.

Daveed: so Emmy when you get up don't panic but, there's like a mob of people out on our lawn and so are the police

And she said that her eyes girl right and she was fully awake she showed up out of bed and ran to the window covering herself with a blanket that she dragged off of the bed, murmured the words holy s*** to herself she saw the number of people. No more than a hundred people out there were even tanning in other people's Lawns and on the road.

Emmy: how?

Daveed: someone leaked our address

Emmy: Did this happen to anyone else like it says something is going to happen to other people?

Daveed:  I don't exactly know my manager just told me that it's happening to us and Jasmine and Daveed

Emmy: maybe  the news can explain a little more after all we do live in California the place to look  for celebrity news

she said sarcastically as she walked over to her dresser pulling out a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie And put them on,  David grabbed his robot hanging on the wall and put it on as well as him if they were downstairs to the living room. We quickly grab the TV remote and turn to channel 47. ( IDK if that’s their tv number), Emmy was slightly pissed off at the situation and plopped down onto the couch as David said next to her they waited for the advertisements to go off and finally it was the news.

The program ran on for about 5 minutes before actually getting to the live announcements, it was just a recap of what happened yesterday and the day before that and then some upcoming movies or TV shows. soon finally it was a lot of Deals they started talking about Danny DeVito and some other celebrities that they weren't paying attention to until they heard the words “in other news did anyone hear about what's going on with the ham cast people”.  the groove instantly perked up listening with all their focus on the TV.

“Everybody on Sullivan,  and I'm going to be today's host of TMZ.  so first off today we have some news about the ham cast in other words the over The original Broadway cast of Hamilton has gotten into a little sticky pickle,  so who am I exactly talking about in the ham-cast well I am talking about Daveed Diggs, Daveed  Ramos, Emmy raver, and jasmine jones.  these four, unfortunately, had their address leaked on Instagram Twitter, and other social media platforms by someone going under the name of Gace51937q0,  Yesterday and today I'm pretty sure they have woken up to hundreds of people standing out on their front lawns cutting to the live feed from the TMZ helicopters”

The video cut to a helicopter hovering over their house as well as Daveed and Jasmine,  they both started to the TV waiting for the person to finish what he was saying Chesterfield came back to the man named Sullivan.

“ Well beforehand cast members have yet to respond or make an appearance to their fans who have shown up to their houses,  but authorities have been called by both of their neighborhood residents and people are being escorted off of their private property along with being arrested.  it is unconfirmed that you will or if they'll be pressing charges.  and that's all for TMZ live for now”

he said signing off from the video Daveed anEmmymy and stared at each other not knowing what to do they had two options stay in the house and hide from all the people or dress them and ask them to leave, they're going to be people recording and taking pictures so what were they going to do if they press charges they run the risk of getting backlash and they don't want to deal with that they start getting people arrested some people just arrive, and if they say something is just going to incite more propaganda and make more people show up so what option do they have.

Daveed:  we can go out there and leave I don't know we could try calling more police

Emmy:  I'm going to go call Jasmine

She got up from the couch and went upstairs to get her phone. Jasmine was already calling her, she answered Jasmine freaking out.

Emmy Raver and Daveed Diggs Oneshot'sWhere stories live. Discover now