Oneshot six, Black girl

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Disclaimer - this isn't the best piece of work i've done and i did my best.🤷‍♂️

Allison is a black woman in the 1960s and 200s, but what happens when she is a wealthy black woman in the 1960s.

Emmy pov

Today I treated everyone in the salon to one of the fanciest dinners they'd ever had. It felt nice to give back to them after they helped me. Sometimes I wonder what would've happened if I didn't get away from those guys. Sometimes people stare at me down the road because I have a fancy new bag of dress shoes, but today was particularly interesting.

Kalus:Allison wake up!

Allison said coming and flopping down on her bed

Allison: What time is it klaus

Klaus: 5:54 am

Allison: My alarm hasn't even went off

Klaus: Allison but we have to get going

Allison: So what are we even doing again?

Klaus: We're going on a perate walk with all of my followers

Alison: Klaus when are you going to stop lying to those people

Klaus: When ever they realize it

Allison: Get out klaus i have to get ready im naked

Klaus: Oh well do as you do my lady

Allison: Your crazy you know that

Klaus: Since i was one

Kluas left the room and I got out of bed and got ready. It was nice having a place like this to stay. I love Raymond but after he saw me rumors that cop I don't think he'd want to talk to me anyways. I get ready and meet Klaus out for our little group walk, everyone's wearing blue like everyday do. I just put on some blue pants and a black shirt and flats and call it a day.

allison: okay so were we going

Klaus: we're walking down town and back

Allison: witch downtown where all the racists are or the nice people are

Klaus: racist

Allison: okay all the black and hispanics in the middle whites out front

Klaus: Allison

Allison: what we gotta protect each other

Everyone gets into formation and we start our walk. It's going to be at least two hours and I might stop by the salon.

They walk and walk back into the inner city people stare as we walk almost like they see something wrong we dont pay it any mind until the police stop us

Officer joe: um names please

Klaus: i'm klaus hargreaves and this is my lovely sister alison hargreaves

Officer joe: are you lying to me r

Allison: if i may he isn't lying i was adopted and so was he

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