the dinner

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Uraraka and Kirishima silently made their way back down to the common room, slowly processing everything that had just happened.



"Did, uh- Did Bakugo ever mention anything about... Having a crush on Deku...?"

Kirishimas eyes widened "No way! I mean, I noticed that recently he's been way more open to being near him, but..."

Uraraka nodded. "I was worried you'd say that..."


"...When they get their memories back... Do you think their relationship will get more strained?"


Uraraka sadly looked at the floor "Deku mentioned to us that their relationship had gotten better recently... Not this much better or anything! Just- Bakugo saw him on more equal ground. It's pretty obvious that there's something else going on with them now."

Kirishimas eyebrows raised. "That's... Yeah, I don't think I've ever seen some of those expressions on Bakugos face before."

Uraraka hummed. "So when this is all over... Do you think that this will set them back? Make it awkward?"

"...No, I don't think so."

Uraraka looked up at him.

"I mean, maybe this actually... Isn't a new development?"

"What?! But you just said-"

"-I know! I mean that, maybe he didn't realize it? There is a lot of history there that he's never talked about... But there's always been something going on there."


"I mean, I could totally be wrong! I just don't think that amnesia can create feelings that wouldn't have been there in the first place."

"...You know what? I think you might just be right. I never thought about it that way but... I'm thinking back to all the times I've seen them interact and-"

"-it's like they've always kind of orbited each other?"

"...Yeah. This is still weird, though. I mean, did you see that moment they had in Dekus room?!"

"I know! Dude, I thought they were totally gonna kiss in front of us."

"And earlier when Bakugo just- let Deku help him? The old Bakugo would have gone all 'grr I don't need your help shitty Deku!" Uraraka mocked, putting on a fake angry expression.

Kirishima laughed. "Spot on! If I didn't know any better id think you were Bakugo!" He teased.

Uraraka laughed and waved her hand. "But seriously! I wonder how much weirder they're going to get. Hopefully Aizawa Sensei can figure out how to reverse this soon."

Kirishima nodded and soon they were both back in the common area. It didn't take long for them to forget about their conversation in favor of hanging out with their classmates.


Uraraka managed to meet up with the three of them on their way down to dinner.

"Ah, hello Uraraka!" Deku greeted.

"Deku! I was wondering why you weren't answering your door."

He looked away, rubbing the back of his neck with a bashful expression. "I'm sorry, I didn't even realize how much time had gone by."

Uraraka smirked. "Really? Did you have a lot of fun in Bakugos room, then?"

Deku blushed bright red. "Uraraka!"

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