The Reconciliation

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After getting some food in his stomach and making a quick stop in the restroom, Izuku was finally tucked away back in the safety of his very unfamiliar and cold dorm room. He'd been lucky that nobody had run into him and their teacher. He was aware that he looked terrible and he didn't need anyone to see him and begin to call attention to him or the situation.

Now that he had the chance to sit down again in the quiet of his room free of the noise of others and his head clearer than it was from the initial heartbreak, he knew that he needed to figure out what to do. He couldn't hide in here forever and the conversation that he had just had was... enlightening.

So, he got started on at least trying to view the situation from a neutral perspective. It was kind of difficult, seeing as he had so many feelings about the situation... and about Katsuki.

He didn't get much time to think about it, though. Within what he swore could have only been 15 minutes, there was someone knocking against his door.

He froze and silently wished that it wasn't Katsuki again; though a small part of him hoped that maybe it was. If it was, maybe Izuku would have the courage to talk it out with him. Maybe it would be less intimidating if he didn't need to make the first step.

Could it get worse?

He got his answer on who it was when a soft, noticeably feminine voice called out.


"...U-Uraraka?" He asked, voice cracking.

"Yeah, I've brought Iida and Todoroki too. Can we... can we come in?"

Izuku wanted to say yes but stopped himself. He still wasn't sure how to feel about them not telling him anything. He chose to crack the door open, not wide enough for them to get in but enough for him to look through.

Uraraka cringed at the sight of him; his red eyes were very obviously crusted with tears and his cheeks looked raw. Though it seemed he hadn't been crying before they got there, it was obvious what he'd spent that morning doing.

"Deku, we... we heard a little bit of what happened."

"...Did Katsuki tell you?"

"...No, Kirishima did. Bakugou is... avoiding most people right now."


"Uraraka heard about the situation and then got us, she figured you could use some friends to talk to." Iida pitched in, his brows furrowed in worry.

"I see... well, I don't really... I think, um, I'd rather be alone."

There was a quiet pause, the three seeming to try to collect themselves, not wanting to make him uncomfortable.

"Midoriya, I know this may seem a bit like we're prying. Earlier this year, I'd have felt the same in your shoes," Todoroki started, unsure yet determined. "But you were the one to teach me something. You taught me that meddling when you don't need to is the essence of a hero."

"I... You're all determined to talk to me no matter what I say aren't you?"

3 different answers of "Yes" rang out and he sighed, not really having the energy to protest that. He let the door swing open and walked over to sit on his barely used bed.

"Fine, but I've already spoken to Aizawa. I doubt there's much any of you could say that I haven't heard already."

They quickly walked in, taking to sitting either on the floor, the bed, or his desk chair. There was a small pause in the room, none of them sure how to start this discussion.

"Do you wanna talk about what happened from your own account?" Iida started off.

"Well, I'd accidentally knocked something over.  I found these old journals I'd written years ago and thought it would be a good chance to... jog my memory? You all can tell that didn't exactly happen like I'd thought it would."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2023 ⏰

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