The Call

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Katsuki was about ready to blow his phone up. The damn thing was ringing nonstop. At first he wasn't answering it because it was an unknown number... but now? Now he refuses to answer out of pure fucking spite.

"Hey Bakugo! You gonna get that?" Sero questioned, walking into the common area.

"Absolutely fucking not. Whoever this shithead is won't leave me the fuck alone."

Sero raised his eyebrow. "What if it's something important-?"

"Sero, man, don't bother. I've been trying to get Bakugo to answer it since this morning." Kirishima said, taking an earbud out.

"They've been calling since morning? It's like-"

"4 pm? Yeah, we know."

"Bakugo, I really think you should-"

"Fuck off, tape dispenser."

"Harsh." Sero whistled and sat down next to him.

"Katsuki?" A voice called from the door.

"Izuku? What's up?" He asked, visibly calming down.

Sero not so subtly mouthed 'whipped' at Kirishima, who then tried to subtly cover a laugh. Bakugo chose to ignore them in favor of Izuku.

"I heard your phones been ringing all morning?" Izuku asked, walking over to sit with them as well.

"Yeah, it's been annoying the shit out of me."

"Well, the really weird thing is- so has mine? Well, it actually started ringing nonstop yesterday."

"You think they might be connected, Midoriya?" Sero asked, now slightly more interested.

"I'm not sure. I actually... haven't been able to get into my phone to begin with. So I have no idea who could be calling."

"You haven't had your phone this whole time?!" Kirishima asked, both in awe and shock.

"I've had it! I just haven't been able to use it. Who knows what kind of password I would have had before!"

"That's... a really good point. Hey, wait, how did Bakugo get into his?"

The three boys turned to look over at the blonde.

"I guess with my memories I didn't give a shit about a password. It's not like there's anything interesting on it, anyway. I don't have any contacts and the only apps I have are workout and cooking ones."

"That... definitely sounds right." Kirishima sighed.

"So... any chance you guys know what my password is?"

"Sorry dude, my best guess would be something about All Might." Sero answered.

"Hm... well, I did try his name. I also got my birthday from Uraraka and tried that as well. Then I asked about All Mights birthday and tried that too. None of it worked."

"Huh... well, I guess the whole point of a password is that people can't easily guess it. Sorry, Midoriya, those would have been my guesses too." Kirishima said.

Sero raised an eyebrow "How about instead of trying to get into Midoriya's phone to answer the call, we just have Baku-"


"Dude, come on! Arent you a little curious?"

"Yes, I am, but I'm starting to believe there is no way this person's that important because only someone with no life would have the time to call my phone this fucking much."

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