Chapter 3

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*Sometime Later*

I walked across the reservoir, it was nice and peaceful here, no one in sight, just the sounds of the stream of water flowing beneath me and the quacks of the family of ducks as they swim by, it was nice to see a little calm and I didn't have to worry about nothing.

'Morning', I heard and look over my shoulder to see a jogger running past me with a smile on her face as I give her curt nod, 'Morning', I reply when she passes me and continues with her run down the other end of the bridge.

I take a seat on the wooden bench behind me and enjoy my morning coffee and people watch in peace. I liked my morning, Coulson let's me do whatever I wanted before we're ending up in a mission we have to get done, so I was glad I could enjoy my morning, unbothered, and getting a glimpse of the real world whilst making up makeshift scenarios in my head about the lives people led every time they'd passed me, it passed my time and my imagination and it was nice.

This has been the best spot I had found in my travels with the team, the peace, the less amount of people there are, it was great not to have all of my guard up, even though most of it there, I wasn't stupid enough to drop all my guard, that's what gets people killed and I'm not an idiot, I've come to far for that anyway.

Beside from that, the year I spent with Coulson and his team went better then I expected, even though I was sure it wouldn't, I'm glad it came to this outcome and I can have a part in taking down Hydra, even though we'll have a lot of work, I'm determined for it to end and make sure my family's history don't follow me to the future, Hydra have to be dealt with now, or else the power they already have, could follow to every corner of the world where no one would be free of them, and I wasn't going to let them happen.

Along with working with Coulson, I worked on a secret project outside of the team, ever since waking up and hearing the mention of an Asset from my uncle and an unknown man, I was determined to find the mysterious man, but my search only took me so far and I didn't get anything beside the fact that he was an asset since the Second World War and had been tortured along with brainwashed at the expense of my uncle.

When I found that out, I felt more guilty in leaving him behind when I was in the same vault with him, I wanted to run and save him, but something unexpected happened, and I wasn't able to get to him or reach him, instead, I was already out of the building, and it was all the more confusing that I blamed my blackouts, since I've been getting them, as of recently.

Not only that, I've been hearing his screams when I'm asleep and dreaming and it adds to the guilt when I wake up from it and it's just a constant reminder on how I failed him, how I saved myself and not him and left him in the hands of my uncle and the rest of Hydra.

'Morning', I heard again and when I get out of thought and was ready to reply to the next stranger, I instead saw Coulson with Fury beside him, which I became confused about, because Fury never shows his presence, unless he needs to or it's an emergency and it needs to be dealt with.

'Morning', I reply as Coulson sits beside me and I continue to look at Fury, 'what's the bad news', I ask, because it's most likely bad instead of good.

Instead of replying, his mouth turned in a small smile as he held a blue folder out to me and I look at it first, then take it from him, 'we we're thinking...', Coulson begins as I pull open the thread that kept it closed, 'you could use the change of scenery', Fury finishes for him and I'm confused when I see a set of individual files with photos, 'what is this', I ask and look over at them.

'We've decided to put you on a new team', Fury says, breaking the silence between them, 'But, I thought this was permanent for me', I state, 'I mean your team', I add and look towards Coulson as he nods, 'it was meant to yes', he responds, 'But given your skill set and your advancement, we've decided your abilities are better used in a team that's more suited for you', he explains.

Bucky Barnes X Y/n: I hate you, I love youWhere stories live. Discover now