Chapter 8

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I moved to the next page and kept reading, todays mission was progress, we took down a Hydra base and got all personal behind bars, some took their own lives, but beside from that mishap, it was a good mission, so now I'm enjoying a book from the library.

I've never read Pride and Prejudice, but Simmons suggested it a long time ago and I had forgotten to pick it up and read it because I was busy, so when I spotted it on one of the shelves, I picked it up and began to read it, it was good so far, and Simmons had a good recommendation.

When I reached the next chapter, It was taken from under me and I looked over to see an upside down Steve, Nat, Sam and Bucky, who we're just staring at me and I looked at my book, 'I was reading that', I said, dropping my legs to the ground and stand to my full length, 'you've been upside down for two hours', Nat says and I move my eyes back to her, I have, I didn't realise.

'I can last longer', I said and then take my book back from Steve, 'do we have a new mission', I ask and he shakes his head, 'No, we just thought, you'd like a break from doing handstands', he replies.

'I'm fine', I tell him, 'I like to drag out my workouts', I said and place my bookmark on the page I left off on.

'We're doing some training sessions if you'd like to join', Sam says next and I shake my head a little, 'I'm good', I said.


Even though I was stuck in my book, I watched them train together, Nat was a good fighter, she reminded me of my own techniques of fighting until I became better, but hers was her own style and she knew what she was doing throughout until she stopped and had a water break.

Now it was Sam, Steve, Bucky and Thor on the mat, they're all trained together whilst I observed.

Sam and Thor looked like they would have relied on something else, for example, the axe for Thor and the wings for Sam, but beside from that, there technique, without their relied on items, was good, Thor's was better since he knew what combat was and I had actually done some sparing sessions with him in the past seven weeks I have been here, so I've impressed him enough to show him how capable I am.

Steve and Bucky though, they we're different, they saw every vantage point I did before a move was made and they infiltrated it before one of them was put down, and also neutralised potentials moves that might have been next, they we're good, I wasn't going to tell Bucky that, seeing as he'll just rub it in, but they more skilled then I'd thought about.

'M'Lady', I heard and looked up to Thor, who was stood infront of me, he's chosen to call me that every since we first sparred, but I don't mind it, he's from a different planet, so I don't mind giving him the free pass on that one.

'Would you like to join us', he asks and I look over to see Steve, Bucky and Sam still sparring with each other and I shake my head whilst he takes his water bottle, 'No, thanks', I said, 'maybe next time', I suggest and when he nods, I hear Bucky's voice next, 'I don't think that's a good idea', he states, 'she'd last five minutes and that's just me, being generous', he adds and I only scoff, put my book down and stand from my seat.

I then walk pass him and Thor and get onto the mat with Sam and Steve, 'I'll show you how wrong you are about that', I said.


'Anyone want to challenge me now', I said and stood up while all four of them lay on the ground and I look down at Bucky who stared up at me, 'that's what happens when you challenge me', I tell him.

'Next time Bucky speaks, don't involve us next time', Sam says with a groan and uses his elbows to pick himself up whilst I grin to myself, 'you should have tapped out when I told you to tap out', I said.

Bucky Barnes X Y/n: I hate you, I love youWhere stories live. Discover now