Chapter 12 - There's a Reason Why The Fates are not Messengers

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Hi. I know it's been a while. Like the last update was May 14, 2021. That was 4 months ago. My life has been going to shit. AP tests and SAT scores were not where I wanted them to be, my GPA tanked for junior year, and my mental health has not been good. So I took a break. But hopefully, I'm back. I'm a senior (in high school. Not the old senior). I'm not gonna promise weekly updates because we all know that's never worked out.  Anyway back to the story! There are mentions of rape, abuse, abduction, suicidal thoughts, and other triggers in this chapter so a trigger warning is now in effect.


Previously on Trapped in Immortality

Apollo looked up after singing the song to see many people smiling at him, and a few on their feet clapping.

"To Olympus," he raised his glass one more time everyone following his lead and repeating the words. "And now-- "

Three bright flashes entered the garden. Once the light died down, it revealed the Three Fates standing there in all their glory, and they did not look happy.


Third POV

The entire garden turned silent at the sight of the Fates and bowed to them in unison. 

"My ladies," Zeus began "How can we serve you?" 

The Fates glared at him as Lachesis spoke "We wish to speak with the Olympian Council." Zeus nodded and one by one the Olympian Council flashed to the throne room. 

"My Ladies, we are honored to be graced with your presence tonight. We were celebrating the 10 year anniversary of our victory over Gaia and her giant spawn-"

"SILENCE!" Clotho yelled. "It was not your victory, but the victory of the demigods Zeus. You simply stood there. Even when Gaia herself rose you did nothing while Perseus confronted her. But that is not the reason for our visit today"

Atropos took over  "Your rule has been atrocious. Gods are meant to guide humanity and help them make the right decisions. But humans are misguided. The planet is being destroyed so that those well off can become even more well off, while those that are poor remain poor. Genocides are happening all over the world. Rape, murder, abuse, and abduction are at an all-time high. Even your own children are in terrible situations. There are demigods in terrible families wanting to die because they think their parents left them. They think that they're not good enough. Why is that so Zeus?" 

Zeus began to sweating profusely and stuttered "W-w-we-well th-the an-anci-ancient la-laws pre-prevent u-us-"

Lachesis glared at him "The Ancient Laws?! We created them after the Trojan War to stop godly involvement in wars. Not in mortal affairs such as taking care of your own damn children. Besides, the ancient laws don't stop you from going out and having sex with the first pretty girl you see. So why does it stop you from taking care of your children?" Zeus looked to his fellow council members for help only to find most of them glaring at him wanting an answer. This however didn't stop Lachesis who was already on a roll "We have been very lenient in the past, hoping that you will change, but we know see that you will not do it on your own, nor will you let the other members of this council initiate that change. This is your only warning Zeus. Step down from your position and let the gods continue to reign, or we will have another race rise up to take your place. Choose wisely, Zeus. The fate of Olympus rests on your shoulders." And with that warning, the Fates flashed out leaving a stunned council behind.

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