Chapter 5 - Blood of Olympus

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I'm back boys!!! Had some problems at home that I needed to sort out. Sorry for being offline. Anyway, let's get back to the story! Anyway, the Heroes of Olympus arc will be wrapping up in the next part. I have an extremely badass battle planned ahead. Hope you enjoy it.


Drip. The drop of blood hit the ground. We had failed. Gaea had awoken and it was all my fault. I destroyed the world. I woke Gaea up. And there was nothing I could do that would fix it. It was over. We had failed.


Percy POV

We stare at each other in horror. I sink to the ground my head in my hands and I keep thinking 'what have I done?' I slowly begin to realize that whoever dies at the hands of Gaia, whoever gets hurt, mortal, or demigod, that their injuries are my fault. That I caused them. My dad came next to me and sat down. "It's alright, son. It was not your fault. You made a mistake. We all do." Then Gaia appeared, made out of the earth. Her physical body was made of stone. She was virtually impenetrable. At least on land. 

"But this mistake has cost you the lives of all your friends and family. Thank you, Percy Jackson. When the world is mine, I will make sure that everybody knows that the extinction of humanity is your fault, " Gaia sneered at me. I lunged at her with Riptide out ready to slice her impenetrable skin when she just vanishes. All of a sudden Athena clutches her head in pain. 

"Parenthos, camp, Gaia," was all she managed before she passed out.

"MOM!" Annabeth yelled frantically. She scrambled to her side yelling at Apollo to heal her. Apollo started to work on her, while I once again took charge

"Leo, how's the Argo II? Is it in a shape to fly?" He shakes his head no. I sigh exasperated, but thankfully I have a backup plan.  "Hazel, can you shadow travel us to Camp?" She shakes her head no as well. One last plan. "Zeus, have you ever played volleyball?" He nods. "Good. I need you to do a spike. As hard as you can. Then I need to you teleport to Camp Half-Blood and catch us before we all become vulture food. Got it?"

"Who do you think you are mortal? Commanding the-"

  "Zeus I don't have time for your arrogant useless bullshit. Can you follow these directions or no? Think carefully. Your throne depends on your answer." He relents and nods his head yes. "Alright, everybody! Get your asses into the Argo II. Take what you need and put it in your pockets. We have to get to camp before Gaia has a chance to rally her army and destroy it. And we also need to stop the Greeks and Roman from tearing each other apart."  As I finish, we board the ships, that we called home for the past month. 

"HOLD ON" boomed Zeus. He chucks us in the air and smacks the back of the ship so hard that I thought the ship would have been destroyed on that impact. I see Leo attempting to keep hold of a suitcase. It was odd but I was busy making sure that Annabeth stayed in my arms, and making sure that she did not fall out. I see the Atlantic as we fly past faster than we've been before. "LAND HO!!" I yell as I see the land fast approaching. I pray that Zeus is there ready to catch us. But before we reach the land, I'm thrown out of the ship into the Atlantic. I panic, thinking that the rest of the Seven will need to fight Gaia alone. 

Third Person POV

"PERCY!" Annabeth screamed. She was distraught. It only made sense. That man had fallen into Tartarus for her and she failed to catch him before he dropped out of the ship. With a jerk, the ship stops midway and the crew realizes that Zeus did live up to his end of the bargain and caught the ship. As the Seven stumble out of the ship they realize that they are not too far from camp. 

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