Chapter 8 - Wrapping Up Loose Ends

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Hey guys, sorry for the long delay. I'm still continuing this story don't worry! I was busy grinding for the AP Exams that are coming up. Those things are a pain in my ass. and everyone else's ass. but anyway back to the story.


Previously on Trapped in Immortality

The Fates smiled at him. "Perseus it's ok. Those that died to protect you would want you to be happy. They would want you to lead a long and happy life. Look at your friends right now. They all want you to join them. Think about your father Perseus. How devastated he will be when he eventually loses you. You can avoid all that. Just say yes."

"O-o-o-ok. I-I-I-I accept your offer." Percy stammered back.

The Fates once again smiled at him. "All hail Perseus Jackson. God of Time, Earth, Water, Storms, Loyalty, Demigods, and Swordsmanship. The 15th Olympian."


Percy POV

Do you want to know the first thing I did upon becoming a god? I passed out. Yes, I know it's very heroic. But as a certain goth once said, "with great power, comes a great need to take a nap."

I awoke a few hours later in a golden room. And when I say golden, I mean golden. The walls were pure gold, the doors. windows and beds were pure gold. As a result, I knew exactly where I was. I was at Apollo's temple. There were also pictures upon pictures of him almost everywhere, so that helped me narrow down the location. I saw him with his back turned and he was humming a rather quick tune. I couldn't place it exactly, and I didn't get the chance to ask him because the first thing that came out of my mouth was a groan.

"Woah there cuz. Chill. You just got an extremely powerful power boost. There was a pretty big chance that you would burn up. Apparently, the Fates didn't really care about the fact that you could die."

"Apollo. For the love of Olympus shut up. I have a killer headache and your useless rambling isn't helping me. Though can you tell me what happened?"

"Wow," he said. "I am trying to but you're not even letting me finish. Anyway, as I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted is ... woah woah woah cuz chill. You need to rest. You can't be getting up and moving around so much already."

"Apollo don't worry. I've been asleep for the past 2 hours 34 minutes and 16 seconds... How the fuck do I know that?" I looked at Apollo for the answer but he looked as lost as I did. Then he got it.

"You're the God of Time. So you're probably a human, sorry godly stopwatch. That's probably how you knew the exact time." I nodded my head in realization.

"Oh ok, thanks. Well anyway, we got to go to the Throne Room." I nod and follow him as he grabs my shoulders and flashes us to the throne room. As usual, the gods were yelling at each other. Dad and Zeus were arguing over the sea and sky. Hera was yelling at Zeus for being disloyal. Athena and Ares were arguing about brains and brawn. And the rest were just sitting there annoyed, or in Hestia's case saddened. Apollo and I just looked at each other and shrugged. It was nothing unusual. He helped me to my throne which was next to Hades's and sat me on it before he flashed onto his.

"ENOUGH!" I yelled. The room quieted down. "We need to discuss my symbol of power, sacred animals, and etc. Unless you decided all that before I got here?" I finished raising an eyebrow at the fellow Olympians. They shook their head.

"A sword going through the hourglass for the claiming symbol?" Hermès asked. I nodded

"Sure but I don't plan to have kids anytime soon. Animals and symbol of power? I was thinking Pegasi and Hellhounds for animals. Because of Blackjack and Mrs. O'Leary..." I trailed off as Athena nodded.

"That works," she replied. "As for the symbol of power, I was thinking your swords? Do you have a name for them yet?" I shook my head not having the chance to name them. Athena grimaced and nodded.

"Now is there anything else we need to discuss or are we done?" I look over my fellow Olympians all of whom shake their heads. We all look at Zeus expectantly.

"Very well, meeting dismissed," he exclaimed as he and Hera vanished in a lightning bolt.

I chuckled and muttered "drama queen," under my breath. Hades and Hermes heard me and smirked chuckling at it. I flashed out of the throne room and went to see a certain blacksmith about a few things.


Right, so it's been a while. And honestly, I don't really have an excuse for you guys. I had lowkey given up the will to write. but I just had so many ideas going on in my head and were killing me so I decided to get them out into a book. That combined with the fact that I was going crazy and that turtlewhalefish, a good friend of mine on the sight would not stop pestering me about updating. So really you have her to thank for this. And SuperBowlPackers (did i get the name right? Sorry if I didn't mate) responding to he/she/them/zim/whatever pronouns the person uses really helped me. Anyway, sorry for the very short chapter. it's about half of what I usually write, but if you don't like it then that's fine. Keep it to yourself. Anyway, I need names for Percy's swords. Also What other weapons do you want Percy to master. I was thinking trident since Son of Poseiden and all water deities have a trident. But what else? Also, the order of thrones is like this: 

Hestia, Aphrodite, Artemis, Athena, Demeter, Hera, Zeus, Poseidon, Hephaestus, Ares, Apollo, Hermes, Dionysios, Hades, Percy 

That's 15. I added one someone. I'm meant to have 14. Anyway, whatever. Also, the next chapter will be time skipped so be warned. And my villains for this book? Well, stay tuned. Anyway, you know I love you and I'm out!! 

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