Ch. 13: Slave to the game

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Ch. 13: Slave to the game

"Come on, get in."

Aiden slid inside Carl's idling Tesla and asked. "Where are we going by the way?"

"Somewhere quiet." Carl mumbled before driving off. "Wear your seat belt, please."

Aiden sighed and sagged against the caramel leather seat, his head flopped to the side, gazing outside his window. "Fine." He muttered half heartedly eliciting a twitch on Carl's lips.

The entire drive to wherever Carl was taking them, Aiden had been intensely aware of the other man's presence. Of his body. The breathtaking scent of his cold menthol aftershave. The way he made a simple task such as driving look so damn sexy. Aiden was taking it all in, and it felt incredibly pleasant. He could look at Carl all day and never get bored of the sight. The man tickled every fraction of him, including the most significant parts.

The drive was a quiet one. It was far from awkward or uncomfortable and if anything, Aiden was enjoying himself. Not that he was going to tell Carl of course. An hour sailed and by the look of things, Aiden noted they were drifting out of town.

"If you're planning on murdering me somewhere no one will ever find me, do me a favor, don't dump my body in the ocean."

Carl burst into laughter. "You're hilarious, you know that?"

Aiden responded with a shrug though he couldn't conceal the smile that was now starting to crawl on his features even if he tried to.

"Not that I had murder plans going on in my mind," Carl shook his head in mirth. "But why not the ocean if I may ask?"

"Only terrorists are supposed to be buried at sea to avoid their graves becoming an important symbol to their followers." Carl gave Aiden a pointed look at his response but chose not to question anything.

Feigning to clear his throat, Carl announced. "We're almost there, it's only a ten minutes drive from here."

"This car is so you." Aiden said from the blue, exploring the classy interior and he ended up opening the glove box where he discovered a transparent lunchbox stacking a couple of brownies. "Is this an early Christmas or something?"

"They are not just ordinary brownies but special brownies. Some of us don't smoke, I'm asthmatic, remember?" Carl replied, pulling over at a rocky area, probably nameless or somewhere you could find a celebrity's secret hide out mansion glued.

They were far up in the hills, a lovely view of a stretching ocean seemingly a thousand miles beneath them. It was indeed a beautiful outlook. For someone who had a strong knack for geography, this was a Godsend drive for the Iraqi.

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