Ch. 17: The truth in your lies

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Ch 17: The truth in your lies

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Ch 17: The truth in your lies

Charlie felt his friend’s gaze weighing heavily on his naked tattooed back.

“So how’s the trial going?” Carl asked him.

“The judge slammed Enzo with a misconduct,” Charlie rubbed his gritty eyes and mumbled. “I feel like total shit, must’ve drank a lot more than I thought last night.”  

“That you did, seemed like you were planning on razing yourself.” Carl stated. “I haven’t been a good friend lately, have I?”

“Nah, at this point you have done more than enough for me, man.” Charlie waved him off while walking towards the fridge where he grabbed himself a bottle of chilled water. His throat was beyond parched. “Besides, you have a shit ton on your plate to digest right now. The whole thing with your company plus—Aiden. That’s… a lot.”

Carl tensed at the mention of Aiden’s name. He managed to keep his emotions on a low profile though. “Aiden called for a truce three days ago. We’re good now, sort of.”

“He did?” Charlie’s face scrunched up in pure mystification. “That guy’s a crazy sadist. After everything he did to you he just decided it’s time to call for a truce?” 

“Turns out he’s not as awful as we thought he is.” Carl rested his elbows on the kitchen island, eyeing his friend’s reaction. “He actually did me a favor with the company, in his own sick twisted way.”

He went on to divulge everything that happened at the hills excerpt for the explicit parts. Charlie did not need to know that, yet. Carl knew if there’s anyone who would support him to the ends of earth and back through this moment of confliction was his best friend. But for some reason he just couldn’t bring up his intense feelings that he harbored for none other than Aiden Black on the table.

Perhaps he wasn’t ready to face the torrent of questions that’d follow if he came clean to his best friend since he himself didn’t have the answers. Besides, that’d make him appear batshit crazy for having feelings for a coldblooded man like Aiden in the first place. It was simply a no go area for now.

Charlie paused sipping on his water, startled by the information which was unexpectedly dumped on him. “So how are you planning on finding the sick monster that hurt Yasmin?”

“I don’t know,” Carl stated with exasperation. “Aiden and I will figure it out soon enough.”

“Why are you so comfortable being around Aiden anyway?” Charlie smirked. “Don’t tell me you’re already falling in love with that bastard. He’s hot, even I can give him that, but seriously…”

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