Ch. 4: A deal with the devil

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Ch. 4: A deal with the devil

Carl didn’t even bother going home, he needed to gather his unruly thoughts all in one place and there was only one place in town to do that. Bar One.

It was nothing like those exclusive bars Carl got together with his business partners where they had to turn up looking proper in high end suits and corporate attires. Everyone who graced Bar One was in a desperate need to depressurize—a stupid dress code was definitely at the bottom list of their already piled up worries. The bar hosted hundreds of conversations told in loud voices, all of them competing with the indie rock music that dominated the atmosphere. Carl breezed his way through the warm bodies groping and grinding against each other to order a drink—straight whiskey.

“Rough night.” Gwen, a cute brunette bartender pointed out as Carl was squeezing himself towards the only vacant seat at the bar—a stool with worn out black leather. “I could’ve gone around betting my last cent that you’re the classiest man who’s ever graced this shitty world and I’d have lost dismally.”

“Oh please, you know I don’t go around exchanging blows just for the sake of it.” Carl muttered to Gwen who was smiling his way. She was a genuine concerned friend, nothing to do with the huge tips Carl had gifted her in the past. “It’s nothing, really.”

“If you say so Mr. Classic Man, but you could also use an icepack for your busted lip. It’s all swollen and red.” Gwen stated whilst handing him a bag of ice. Her eyes instantly carried out a brisk sweep of the packed bar before asking, “And where’s Charlie?”

“Thanks,” Carl sighed at the instantaneous relieve brought by the melting ice on his lip, though feeling slightly irked about the pang all thanks to Manass—Aiden Black . “I decided to fly solo today.”

A small frown appeared on Gwen’s lips, perhaps she was now used to serving both of them and seeing Carl alone today with fresh bruises made her speculate. “I hope everything is fine with you two?”

Downing on his whiskey, Carl nodded. “Charlie and I are good.”

“Hmm… be right back soon…” Gwen’s voice faded as she waltzed to serve her next bothersome customers. After all she wasn’t being paid to loiter around as her boss would say.

“Sure.” Carl’s voice was swallowed by a gurgling coffee pot.

The significant bruises and lip cut on the businessman’s face took his recent rugged persona on a whole new level. He looked dangerous and badass. A small smirk of triumph reflexively curled on Carl’s lips knowing that he’d gotten Aiden real good too, the guy was probably licking his own wounds somewhere in the city and regretting his life decisions. He didn’t care much of the probing stares he was receiving from his fellow patrons, the man was born to standout on any day and he knew how to embrace a spotlight no matter what angle it came.

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