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"I can

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"I can. I'm not shocked at all."

Mickey is finally getting an early night's sleep. She's thankful she no longer has to deal with her parents' legal affairs. Now, thanks to Archie's program, her free time is broadening. With her and Pop's discretion, a few of the kids from the community center have been hired at the diner, which left Mickey with no shifts. It did leave her with more free time.

Her phone rings.

Or more free time with her boyfriend. It's kind of perfect because she misses him. As she lies her head on her pillow, she presses her phone to her ear.

"I didn't wake you, did I?"

"It's fine," she assures him. "I've missed your voice." Her eyes close, but she's smiling. "How's school?"

"Existential hell," Jughead tells her. "I've got a blank page and I need you."

Those three words have Mickey meeting Jughead at the diner in her comfiest clothes. "I kind of like this impromptu visit."

He's holding hands with her on top of the table, but he seems to be somewhere else—lost in his thoughts, like always.

"Something's bothering you," she observes aloud.

"Yeah, I just can't write. Mr. Chipping gave the class this assignment where we're supposed to write our own version of a Baxter Brothers novel, which should be a dream come true."

"Baxter Brothers? Should I know what or who they are?"

"Oh! They're my favorite books, Mick. They always cheered me up. Instead of being a superhero for Halloween, I wanted to be one of them," he rambles happily. "They're the reason I'm into crime now. As a kid, my dad—well, I just learned it was my grandfather who sent them to me as gifts. I have the entire collection."

"I'll have to check them out."

He pulls his hand out of hers. "For the first time in my life, I'm having writer's block. Why?"

"My advice, just take a break. Okay? Take a walk. Look at some art." Her mouth curves into a smirk. "Kiss your girlfriend."

Jughead's too lost in his thoughts to catch the suggestion. "I keep thinking I should be breaking the Baxter Brothers novels down like, scientifically, or something."

"That could work, but you could also kiss your girlfriend," she repeats the attempt at flirting. Just to make sure it lands this time, she kicks him lightly under the table.

This makes him laugh. He stands up from across her to slide into the seat right next to her. His arm wraps around her shoulders. He kisses her. "I'm sorry."

"Why didn't you wake me?" Jughead asks as he pulls on his pants. Him and Mickey got carried away last night after deciding to sneak into the Pembrooke. He knew he'd miss his first class due to all the cuddling and talking all night, but he didn't expect it to be a full house. Hiram put a hit on him. It's going to be a little more than awkward.

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