How to Get Away With Murder

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The ride back to Riverdale was uncomfortable. Mickey, Archie, Veronica, and Betty rode back in their underwear and blood-stained skin. It was also silent. No one could come up with words for what they just did.

Mickey is grateful when her and Veronica are inside their apartment. She closes the door quietly, not wanting to wake up their parents.

That gratefulness is shredded when Hiram clears his throat, causing both girls to jump. Him and Hermione are sitting on the couch with glasses of wine. Candles are lit atop of the fireplace. "Mijas? Qué paso?" Hiram puts his glass down on the coffee table.

Hermione looks both of her daughters up and down, "And where are your clothes?" She's stunned that they're walking in this late with just their undergarments on.

All of Mickey's thoughts flush right out of her head. She stutters as she tries to answer. None of them talked on the way home, so they didn't plan on what they'd say to their parents or anyone else who asked questions.

Veronica speaks up, "Oh. Um, we got coaxed into an intense game of strip poker at that stupid Stonewall Prep party. Lost our shirts, as they say. Oh, well. C'est la vie."

Hiram and Hermione watch as Mickey drags Veronica toward their bedrooms. Then the two parents exchange looks.

As soon as Mickey closes her bedroom door, she leans against it and starts to cry.

The next day, Mickey, Archie, Veronica, and Betty are in the back of the diner. Mickey has just found out what they all told their parents about why they came home practically naked. "Toga party, strip poker, and skinny-dipping. Those are three wildly different activities."

Betty says, "If our parents compare notes, we could be in deep, deep trouble."

Archie puts his coffee cup down. He needs the energy because he didn't sleep a wink last night. "I panicked, Betty. I blurted out the first thing that came to mind."

"Me too," Veronica frowns.

"It's fine," Betty assures them. "Me, three, but this is exactly the kind of mistake we can't afford to make. Charles made that abundantly clear."

"I keep thinking we should've called someone other than Charles," Archie admits. He doesn't know if he trusts the guy.

"No, Charles was the right call to make. He's had experience dealing with—"

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