Epilogue: Harry POV

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I had been three years since my chance encounter with Louis.

I was on cloud nine ever since I started dating Louis. Things just seemed to be better ever since then. My father had actually taken the chance and spoke to me about me passion for drama. Given that he did find my letter declining the scholarship, he took it pretty well when I told him that I had kept it a secret because I was afraid of what he would think. He then proceeded to tell me it was alright and he would gladly pay the tuition. That had me jumping for joy and I couldn’t wait to tell Louis the news.

After telling my friends I would be leaving for the states to attend a drama school, I was surprised to find that they actually supported me. Everybody congratulated me and it felt nice not lie to my friends about it.Gemma was also pretty devastated that I would be leaving, seeing as we had pretty close ever since the whole Louis drama. I told her I’d visit frequently and i loved her to the moon and back.

Louis and I have been going strong. We do have our problems, but we sooner forgive and forget than lose each other. That was why I had made a very important decision in the last fe months. I was going to put into action tonight.

I was a nervous wreck, but I tried to hide it when Louis emerged from his building. He looked ravishing and that made me even more nervous.

We made our way to the restaurant I had rented out for the night. I pulled up, turning off the engine, and rushing to the other side to open the door for him.

“ Thank you my kind sir.” he says, taking a hold of my arm. when we walk in he gasps at the scene before us. Candles are lit all around the small space and rose petals scattered around aimlessly. I ushered us to our table,- even if we were the only ones here- and pulled out his chair for him. He sat and then I made my way to the other side t sit across from him.

“ I can’t believe you did all this.” he says, gesturing to the restaurant.

“ It was nothing Lou, like I said I wanted to make this night special.” The rest of dinner was spent in mindless chatter about school and stories. I knew I had to make my moves soon and I was growing more anxious.

“ Harry are you alright, you seem nervous???” Louis asked, seeing right through me.

“ I’m fine, just thinking.” I say. This is it I’m gonna make my move.

“ Thinking about what.” he says, just like I knew he would ask.

“ About you and how you’re perfect to me.” I say. His cheeks go a slight shade of red.

“ Harry, you’re perfect to me too.”

“ Lou I really love you”

“ I love you too Haz.”

“ I lve you so much. I love seeing your face everyday. I love hearing you laugh everyday. I love when we have our little sleepovers and we cuddle close all night. I love everything about you which is why…” I get up from my seat and stand in front of him for a second before getting on one knew. I can see his face light up as he realizes what I’m doing. ”... I want t spend the rest f my life with you. Louis Tomlinson, will you do me the great honor of marrying me???” He gasps as I pull out the simple ring.

“ Yes!!!” he squeals. He jumps onto me sending us tumbling backward. “ Oops.” We laugh as I place the ring on his finger and connect our lips together. I will never get used to the sensation I get when I kiss him. Now I get to experience this for the rest of my life. As the old saying goes… And they lived happily ever after.

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