Chapter 3: Louis POV

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To say I was nervous was an understatement. I was nervously pulling on my costume and trying to figure out how breathe properly again.

" Lou you'll do fine just relax." Liam said reassuringly. I simply nodded. This was gonna be my chance to show the world that I could be something. I was performing for scouts in less than five minutes and I knew that this would be the only opportunity I'd have to try to get into the school. Mr. Briggs, our drama teacher appeared a few moments later telling me a needn't worry I would do great.

" Thanks that means a lot." I replied. Finally I heard my name echo through our school auditorium. The auditions were being held at our private school and there was a few people here from other nearby schools. I frantically made my way to stage.

" Louis calm down and walk slower." Liam whispered. I tried calming my nerves by counting to ten then slowly making my way on stage.

I cleared my throat, then introduced myself. " Hello my name's Louis Tomlinson and this is my best mate Liam Payne." I gestured to Liam and then turned back to the scouts. "We will be doing a scene from Romeo and Juliet, the scene where Romeo speaks about being in of love, but out of her favor. I will play Romeo and my mate will play Benvolio."

Act 1 Scene 9:


Good morrow, cousin.


Is the day so young?


But new struck nine.


Ay me! Sad hours seem long.

Was that my father that went hence so fast?


It was. What sadness lengthens Romeo’s hours?


Not having that which, having, makes them short.


In love?




Of love?


Out of her favor, where I am in love.


Alas, that love, so gentle in his view,

Should be so tyrannous and rough in proof!


Alas, that love, whose view is muffled still,

Should, without eyes, see pathways to his will!

Where shall we dine?—O me! What fray was here?

Yet tell me not, for I have heard it all.

Here’s much to do with hate but more with love.

Why then, O brawling love, O loving hate,

O anything of nothing first created!

O heavy lightness, serious vanity,

Misshapen chaos of well-seeming forms!

Feather of lead, bright smoke, cold fire, sick health,

Still-waking sleep, that is not what it is!

This love feel I, that feel no love in this.

Dost thou not laugh?


No, coz, I rather weep.


Good heart, at what?


At thy good heart’s oppression.


Why, such is love’s transgression.

Griefs of mine own lie heavy in my breast,

Which thou wilt propagate, to have it pressed

With more of thine. This love that thou hast shown

Doth add more grief to too much of mine own.

Love is a smoke raised with the fume of sighs;

Being purged, a fire sparkling in lovers' eyes;

Being vexed, a sea nourished with loving tears.

What is it else? A madness most discreet,

A choking gall, and a preserving sweet.

Farewell, my coz.

End scene (at least for them)

I smiled one last time before making my way backstage again.

" Louis Tomlinson that was fantastic!!!" Mr. Briggs congratulated me.

" Thank you it went better than I could have hoped for." I truly meant it. Liam and I made our way to the dressing room.

" Lou I'm really proud of you. " Liam said as we finished getting dressed.

" Thanks Liam I appreciate the compliment." We laced up our shoes and made our way outside.

" How bout I treat you to a celebratory lunch???" Liam asked once we were in his car.

" Sorry mate but I have to work maybe another time ."  I answered.

" Lou you really gotta live a little. You work all day can't you take one day off from the 'ugly stepmother'."

" You know I wish I could but I really need to be on my best behaviour if I expect him to be ok with me leaving next fall."

" Just please promise me we'll eventually do something fun together this year."

" Hey we have fun when you come over." I exclaimed. I looked over at him and he just laughed.

" Yea because I love being tormented by your cousins. Louis we have to put ourselves out there and enjoy life. Promise we'll got one party or school dance, just something." He looked at me with pleading eyes and I couldn't help but give in.

" Fine as long as it makes you happy, I promise."

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