Chapter 20: Harry POV

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I had been avoiding Louis for last few days. I didn’t want to, but I didn’t want to risk seeing him and telling him my undying love. I wanted to tell him everything, then kiss him senseless. But of course, I couldn’t really do that. So, I stuck to avoiding him.

It was Friday afternoon. I was sitting in my last period. My mind as always was drifting off to thoughts of Louis. His eyes, his hair, his lips… *buzz buzz*. I pull out my phone.

Come see me xxox. Meet me in front of the courtyard. - Louis

Louis texted me. He actually texted me. The bell rang and I rushed out. I made my way to the courtyard. I looked around for the familiar feathery hair. Instead I see a blown out picture of mystery boy. It was the boy wearing the Romeo costume. Someone must have taken it while we were dancing because you could slightly see me next to him.

He’s not who you think he is, is all the picture says. A few feet further in front of me is the same picture. This time it says, He’s not your Mr. Perfect. It goes on for a few more photos with more words like he isn’t meant for you and you’re setting yourself up for failure.

I have walked all the way across the courtyard, now. I see a rather large group gathered around. Then I spot Zayn.

“ Styles I see you made it.” he comes towards me and puts his arm around my shoulders. He maneuvers us through the crowd. He pulls me up so we’re standing on top of a nearby table.

“ Styles, I know you’ve been looking for your Romeo.” He says gesturing toward the crowd. “ And it just so happens that I know who he is.” The crowd shouts and cheers. “ But you see, your mystery boy isn’t anyone special.” I frowned at him.

“ Of course he’s special, he made me feel something I haven’t felt in a long time.” I shout at him. He just bursts out laughing.

“ Oh Styles man your in deep, but like I said before, this guy is a nobody. He’s pathetic and sad. He’s a lost cause, stuck in his own dream world.” he snaps.

“ Zayn you can’t just say that about people you don’t even know.” I snap back at him.

“ Oh but my dear Styles, I do know the guy. He’s actually quite close to me.”

“ Oh really.”

“ Yes. I’ve known him almost my whole life.” Suddenly, I was very confused. Who is Zayn talking about??? “ It just so happens that the guy you’ve been looking for is standing right over there. I look in the direction he pointed. Standing there, tears in his pure blue eyes, is Louis. The second we make eye contact. He breaks down. He’s sobbing uncontrollably as he runs and runs fast.

“ Louis wait!!!” I turn to Zayn. “ Louis is my Romeo???” I ask

“ Yep don’t you just feel stupid. I bet you totally hate him now.” he says laughing.

Before I can think it through, I punch him and he falls off the table.

“ I don’t hate him its just the opposite actually!!!” I say running past the crowd in search of Louis.

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