Chapter 14: Harry POV

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After my chance encounter with Romeo (aka mystery boy), I made my way upstairs. I pulled out my yearbook. I wasn’t sure what I was hoping to find but I looked anyway. Page after page and nothing. Just as I was about to give up, I caught sight of someone I didn’t expect to see.

“ Louis.” I whispered to myself. There on the last page was a picture of none other than the beautiful blue eyed boy himself. He was in our school uniform, smiling at the camera. “ He goes to our school???” I couldn’t believe it. How can I have missed this boy for so long. I stared at the picture a few more minutes before I heard a cough from my doorway.

“ Hey Styles you ok. What happened back there I saw you running after someone who looked like Romeo. You seriously played the prince charming part right.” NIck chuckled.

“ Yea well that guy was amazing. Something about him was just so amazing. He made me feel things I haven’t felt in a long time.” I said slumping, back on my bed. “ Funny, I really played prince charming tonight.” I said pointing to the new bracelet on my arm.

“Is it his??? Nick asked. I nodded. He leaned in closer examining it. “ I think I’ve seen it on someone before, but I can’t quite remember who.” I shrugged and leaned against my headboard.

“ I wish I knew. This guy is gonna be the death of me and I don’t even know who he is.”


The next day I was a mess. I couldn’t concentrate on anything. I was dying to know who the short boy with the angelic body was last night. I was so preoccupied in my thoughts that I didn’t realize where I was going. I bumped straight into someone and fell on my bum.

“ I’m sorry I didn’t mean...”  I said, but when I noticed who it was I trailed off. It was Louis. He was standing in his school uniform arm outstretched ready to help me up. I grabbed his hand and felt the familiar tingles from the other day at the club. Once we were both standing, I pulled my hand back, trying not to think about the effect he had on me.

“ Harry… erm sorry mate, I wasn’t really looking-”

“ No its my fault.” I interjected. There was a comfortable silence, before I added, “ I missed you at my party yesterday.”  Louis gave me a confused look before shaking his head.

“ Yea well.... erm my uncle had my pick up the night shift in place of Zayn.”

“ Oh… well you missed out Lou, I met the most amazing guy-”


“ Yeah, its erm shorter than Louis. I don’t have to use it if-”

“ Its fine.” he smiled. “ So you were saying you meet this guy???” he asked shyly.

“ Oh erm yea…” Should I tell Lou about this mystery boy??? I had a quick internal debate before deciding that I would, there was nothing to lose really right??? We would have never worked out. “ He was the best. I meet him last night at the party.” he nodded before awkwardly looking away. “ We danced all night and when we slow danced…” I trailed off reminiscing with the memory. He shifted his gaze back looking slightly… hopeful??? “ He was wonderful, but just when I was supposed to find out who it was he kinda ran off.” Lou seemed to be debating something. I was about to say something else when he cut me off.

“ Harry there’s something I should tell you.”

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