Chapter 8: Harry POV

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It had been a few weeks since I had let it slip to Nick that my parents were going to be gone for Halloween. We had been chilling at my house when I had thought that it'd be a good idea to make plans for the underappreciated holiday.

" Nick what should we do for Halloween???" I had asked. He suggested we go to his house and pig out on candy but I denied seeing as how I couldn't quite stand eating so much junk food. He then suggested we hit up the local movie theater and catch the horror movie marathon at midnight. I also declined that idea seeing as I wasn't to fond of scary movies in the middle of the night.

" I don't think Gemma would let me out of the house anyway."

" Why would Gemma care if you went out on Halloween???"

" Because she's going to be the one watching me while parents our out of town." The seconds the words left my lips I knew I was too late.

" Your parents are gonna be out of town!!! This calls for a P-A-R-T-Y!!!" I covered his mouth before my parents heard.

" No Nick no party." I whisper yelled.

" C'mon Harry it's your last year don't you want to enjoy it??? We could throw the biggest costume party of the year. Yeah and we could dance and drink and live it up. C'mon Harry pleeeaaaasseee???" I tried to ignore the look he was giving me but it was no use.

" Nick I would say yes but what about Gemma???"

" What about Gemma???" he repeated.

" Well how are we supposed to throw a party while she's here. She'll tell my parents and nothing good will come of it." He thought about for a while.

" Isn't there somewhere she could go while we throw the party???" I thought about for second before I remembered the party she mentioned a while back.

" Yeah, there is somewhere she can go but how am I supposed to convince her to go???"

" You said she didn't even want to babysit right??? Just tell her that you won't tell your parents about her leaving if she lets you have the house to yourself on Halloween." I tried to see his reasoning but how could I be sure she wouldn't just say no and have me here hostage the whole week.

" Styles take a chance I sure she'll say yes."

This is why I'm currently standing outside her room, three days  before Halloween trying to figure out the best way to ask. Finally, after deciding to do it as casually as possible, I knocked on her door.

"What do you want Harry!!! she shouted.

" I wanna talk." Two seconds later the door flew open and Gemma was standing in front of me in her pyjamas.

"Yes.. ." Act causal, act causal!!!

"I think you should go to that party you talked about you know the one on Halloween." she gave me a quizzical look. I gave her my best look of innocence.

" You want something, what is it???" she asked. Great what do I say now. Just be cool.

" I just want the house to myself you know so I can walk around in my boxers without someone judging me." She stared blankly at me. Please work please work." Harry if I go to this party do you promise not to tell mum or dad???" I pretended to zip my lips only to unzip it and promise not to tell a soul. " Yay!!! Oh thank you Harry I really did want to go to this party!!!" She gave me a quick hug before shutting her door. I heard her calling someone as I made my way back to the my room. Great that went better than expected. I was buzzing. I called Nick and told him the great news. Soon the whole school would know. Just as a plopped down on my bed, I realized there was someone else I had to invite. I grabbed my keys and rushed out the door.

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