Chapter 1: Louis POV

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I woke up to the annoying beeping of my alarm clock. 'Great it's 5 AM again' I thought to myself. I rolled over and landed on the floor with a thud. I made a mental note to stop myself from moving so much in my sleep. I then proceeded to throw my covers back on the bed and switch off my alarm. Then I made my way to the bathroom to take a quick shower. Once I was finished I made my way to my closet. I pulled on some plain black skinny jeans and an old red sweatshirt. I made my way downstairs making sure not to wake my cousins. I entered the kitchen and headed straight to the cupboard to grab a bowl and cereal. I plopped down at the table and ate in silence, every so often the noise of me chewing filled the room.

Today wasn't like any other day, today was the day I had a chance to earn a scholarship for the drama school of my dreams. I had been practicing for a while now and was extremely nervous. This would be my chance to finally get out of this place. Don't get me wrong London is a lovely place but I want to travel, to explore the world. Getting away from my egotistical uncle and arrogant cousins is just a perk.

After finishing my breakfast, I made my way down to club since we lived so close and started my morning shift. I cleaned the locker rooms and bathrooms and in no time it was 7:30. I rushed back home to put on my school uniform. Once dressed, I ruffled my hair for good measure and headed back outside. Not a moment later my best friend Liam pulled up in his silver Audi that his parents bought him for his 16th birthday.

" Hey mate how's it going?" Liam said as I buckled in and made myself comfortable.

" Nervous" Liam simply chuckled.

" Mate it's gonna be alright you'll do fine " he gave me a reassuring smile and I gave him a small smile back. I then gazed out the window and thought about today. 'Breathe' I reminded myself. Eventually we pulled into the school parking lot and made our way to the front entrance. Liam wished me luck once more and then we went our separate ways. It's gonna be a long day.

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