Chapter 1

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My lungs and muscles burned. Everything in my body begging me to stop but I had to keep moving. I had to get away. I rather die than go back to that lab, but this building was a maze! Never ending hallways and big metal sliding doors that you see in space movies.

All I could hear was the patter of my bare feet, heavy breathing, and my heart beating in my ears.

"Hey!!! Stop her! Whatever you do, do NOT let her get away!!" A man yelled after me, but I couldn't look back. Even as I heard the whoosh of metal doors opening and the thudding of boots chasing after me.

I came across a T-way hallway and made a hard left, only to crash into a metal man with white hair and gold eyes. Their grip was so strong I was sure to bruise as I struggled to get out of their grasp.

"Please!! Please no. I can't go back there. They're going to kill me!" Tears threatened to fall as they dragged me back. "I can't take it anymore! The needles! The test! It's killing me please!!" I was crying as we approached the lab. Faceless scientist surrounded me as they strapped me back down the metal table.

"No! No, stop! Please!!"

"Wake up." The metal man whispered.


"Wake up!" The world began to shake, the scientist began to disappear. "Angela! Wake UP!"

I shot up from my bed in a cold sweat. My roommate pissed off on the side of my bed.

"What the hell is wrong with you Angela!" Kimberly scolded. "Its 2 in the fucking morning and I have a test in economics later today. The last thing I need is to listen to my nut job of a roommate scream in the middle of the night! I have had to deal with this shit for almost a month and I am sick and tired of your bullshit nightmares. I don't care what you have to do but get rid of them for fucks sake! I NEED TO SLEEP!!!" She slammed my door shut.

"Sorry!" I called out.


The next morning wasn't much better. I was used to the lack of sleep my nightmares caused me over the years, but Kimberly was obviously not.

"I hate you" she said bluntly as she entered the kitchen.

"I told you to get noise canceling headphones when you moved in." Gabby stated as she poured Kimberly coffee. "Angela can't help her nightmares but damn are they annoying."

"Again, I am really sorry for waking you up. I don't know why they've gotten so bad recently." Or why they're the same one almost every night.

"I do not care why. What I do care about is getting through this semester without failing. And in order to do that I need to study and to SLEEP! Not the easiest thing to do when you wake up to someone crying or screaming in the middle of the night."

"I'm sorry. Your right. I'll make an appointment with my doctor. Maybe they can prescribe something to help me sleep better." I pulled out my phone and made my appointment. Not to long after Kimberly ordered her headphones online 'Just in case.'

After the challenging morning I had with my roommates I got ready and made my way to work at the library. I loved working there. The smell of books, the calm atmosphere, and the quiet hum of people reading. It's amazing! The only downfall is the pay, it's the only reason I have roommates. It was a good day overall.

I made my last round in the library, putting the books away and made sure to lock up.

"Wait!! Sorry, can you open the library? I have a book report I've been procrastinating on and its due tomorrow. Can I check it out please?" A hippie looking man with a manbun, and beard rushed up the steps of the library.

"Um." I looked at the time. It was 7:57 and we closed at 6:45. "Do you have your library card? I don't think I can let you in but maybe I can check it out for you?"

"Yes! Yes, thank you so much." He quickly looked for his wallet and pulled his library card out. "I need 'To Kill a Mockingbird' by Harper Lee."

"I know the one." I laughed. Its an extremely famous book. "Nathan Brier, right? I'll be right back."

I made sure to check the card before I found and gave him the book. After a quick goodbye I made my way to my car. As I made my way to the freeway, it was surprisingly empty. Not what you would expect for a Tuesday night. I tried to turn up my music, but my hand began to faze through.

Panic began to sink in as I failed to pull over. My hands went through the steering wheel as I desperately tried to slam on the breaks. Nothing was working and a turn was coming up! Oh my god! I'm going to crash!

Cars honked as my car failed to turn, heading straight for the median. I braced myself for impact and everything went black. 

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