Chapter 9

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Five days had passed as I fell into a routine A1 had set. 

* I woke up at 07:00, do a 10-minute full body stretch, brush teeth and hair, dress in uniform. Allow A1 do a 5-minute calibration on my implants, and exit room at 07:30.

* Follow A1 to the dinning hall, sit alone as I eat weird alien food, listen to A1 tell me todays activities, leave dinning room at 08:00.

*Follow A1 to the library, from 08:05-11:00 study different solar systems, planets, and alien species. Fun fact: humans did not originate from earth. The truth is that it was Adam and Evan, not Adam and Eve. They were an exploration team, their crashing ship was the asteroid that killed dinosaurs. 

*11:00 go back to dinning hall and eat lunch with Tonia. Yay!

*11:30 go to the simulation room for training with Sargent Moller and his class, stretch 5-minutes, spar with class, and run training simulations. Not to brag, but I am undefeated so far! Not bad for a librarian. 

*03:45-04:15 head back to my room to shower and change.

*04:15-06:30 watch video diaries,  surveillance videos, and read journal entries of Lillian Champ. Lets just say dang, this girl be crazy. She blew up a planet because, and I quote from her journal, 'I was tired of the cold and constantly seeing blue planets. Why do such eye sores have to exist? I'm blowing it up and if the higher ups ask, I did it for water or something. Its the last planet in this solar system anyway.'

*06:30-07:00 eat dinner at the dinning hall with Tonia and Sargent Moller. 

*07:00-10:00 is free time and then sleep.

The first two days were difficult getting into Lillian's head and pretending to be her. Even worse to pretend to 'recover memories' and act like her. The first thing I found out is that Lillian is a tyrant bitch. She would make or break the cadets and enjoyed the pain she caused them as a 'superior officer'. 

I can't be mean for no reason so I chose to isolate myself. I threw myself into studying and training. And its been working so far. However, its becoming more difficult. I'm friends with Tonia, a scientist. Lillian did not have friends, she had minions and brutes who helped her pick on others, especially the scientist. 

The hardest thing is that I'm never alone unless I'm in the restroom. I know A1 is my P.A.I.R. and is supposed to stay by my side, but I didn't think it was so literal!

We even share the room. It will either sit on the bed or in the desk chair because all it would do the first day was stand and stare at me. It was so creepy! That was the best I could negotiate it too. 

One day when I was sparing with Sargent Moller, Captain General and a human guest came in to observe. I held Win in a head lock, holding myself up on his back by digging my knees into his sides. I felt like a child giving him the unwanted piggy back ride. 

He tapped out as soon as he saw the Captain. A1 handed me a water and towel as Sargent Moller talks to gator face. 

"Turn up my hearing by 20%. I want to hear what they're talking about." I tell A1. 

"Captain," He completely ignored the human "please don't take this the wrong way, but what is that thing doing here?"

"Sargent Moller," General warned "Anthony is a guest and you will treat them as so."

"Its a world eater sir. A bryn! They're parasites that possess the dead."

The man looked unaffected by these insults. More importantly, what did Win mean when he called him a parasite? He looked like a normal human to me.

"A1 increase eye sight by 15%." I say into my towel. I don't want them to know I'm eaves dropping so I continue with my stretching. 

Now that I have a better look, something was definitely different about him. There was a shimmer to 'Anthony's' skin. He's a bald bodybuilder with tribal tattoos. At first I thought it was a trick to the eyes, but his eyes are like a golden yellow. I could of sworn he's staring right at me. Its hard to tell because he doesn't have pupils. 

"Maybe I should leave." Anthony's voice is deep and sounds like he's hiding a growl. "From what I've seen, Lillian isn't as impressive as you made her out to be anyway. No offence Captain, but she can't handle my training methods."

What the heck did he just say about me!? I've been training for a week and I put this entire class to shame. Even Garson, that muscle head twice my size and has four arms! Not impressive? Not impressive! I was a librarian before all of this. I struggled to do a push up. Now I can pin giants! Not impressive my ass!

Despite my angry thoughts, my face is stone. If he said that to get under my skin, he knows I'm listening. I don't want to be known as a gossip. I did glare at him though. F that guy. 

"No offence taken Anthony, " I could tell Captain General was struggling to get a hold on the situation, "but to be fair this is just sparing. You haven't seen her in action."

"Why does it matter what it thinks?" Sargent Moller is pissed. I guess he didn't like Anthony's little comment either. 

"Sargent Moller!" Gator face snapped. "Do not make me repeat myself, Anthony is our guest! Treat him with respect!"

I could tell Win wanted to fight back, but he kept his mouth shut. Anthony let out a smirk. He wanted to get under Sargent Moller's skin.

"LILLIAN! FRONT AND CENTER!" I wince because of my sensitive hearing. He probably did shout, but it sounds like screaming in my ear. I nod to A1 and my hearing returns to normal.

"Yes sir?" I stand up straight as I address the Captain. I still don't know what the rules are. Are we the space military? How is everyone ranked? I don't even know my ranking in all this. 

"This is Anthony." I acknowledge him as the Captain introduces me. "Starting tomorrow he will handle your combat training." 

I hold out my hand, "I look forward to what you have to teach me." Its hard to read him, but he almost looked stunned at my polite attitude towards him. "I'm not very impressive. Maybe you can teach me something that is."

He laughed, exposing his shark like teeth, and shook my hand. "You have nice set of ears. Maybe there is some hope for you after all."

I'll show him who's impressive. 

"Lillian," A1 interrupts, "I've been informed that Dr. Brooke wishes to see you. He has your belonging from Earth."

I look to Win to ask to be excused. "Go." He states before I could say a word. 

"Thank you Sargent." I could barley hold my excitement. "Captain. Anthony." I address them before I leave. I have to stop myself running. I finally get it back. My phone! All my family photos and videos are mine again!

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