Chapter 7

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"It's an honor to be your P.A.I.R. once again Lillian Camp." He shook my hand. I could hear the hum of machinery at work under his skin. Its skin? Is it even skin? Ugh... this is so confusing. I know it's a robot, but it's so life like. "The doctor has informed me of all changes that has accrued in our time apart. I'm sorry for your loss."

Something in me snapped. "They're not dead!" I snatched my hand away from his. "My family is alive and well. The only reason I am here is to keep it that way!" I could feel blood boil under my skin.

"I understand. I apologize for my lack of sensitivity. I will not make this mistake again." Why is he-I mean it, so formal? And that face, it shows no emotion!

The doctor clears his throat and breaks the tension. "As heartwarming this reunion may be, I should probably sync A1 to your moderation chip. Any longer and we risk frying your brain, Lillian."

A1 and I follow the doctor to a different room. It's another lab filled with robotic body-parts, tools, weapons, and other machinery I don't recognize. Monitors and computers surrounded this giant capsule machine thing in the center of the room. I saw the assistants from yesterday, and many more rushing around.

The green tiger woman approached the doctor. "We're running diagnostics now Dr. Brooke." Her voice sounds so familiar. Where have I heard it before? "Shall I take Ms. Champ to change?"

"Yes. And be sure to clean her head." He shooed us away. "Nothing can be on her head for the procedure."

"Yes doctor." I look at her trying to figure it out. I know that voice, but where do I know it from?

She gave me a soft smile and led me to a changing room. "I'm sorry, but did I know you before yesterday?" I ask. She giggled as gave me a black and red wetsuit.

"If you had you wouldn't forget me." She laughed and I with her.

I thought about what she said as I changed and then it hit me. My mom! She sounds like my mom. She even has her sense of humor. I couldn't help but to smile.

"I figured out who you remind me of." I say as I leave the little room.

"Let me guess. Your mom?" She said playing.

"Yeah! How did you know?" I laugh. It felt like I really am with my mother.

"You told me when we were testing your implants." She explained. "You even asked Dow out."

"You mean that part was real?" My cheeks and ears go red.

We talked and laughed the whole way back. Although parts of me were still on edge, part of me is at peace when I am with her.

"Someone's feeling better." Hearing Dr. Brookes voice, the happy atmosphere died for me instantly. I felt tiger mom go stiff next to me, like she was caught doing something terrible. I never did get her name.

I step slightly in front of her. "Yes, I am Dr. Brooke. Thank you for asking." I say as polite as I could.

He always had that cocky smile on his stupid face. Like he knew something about you no one else did. It makes my skin crawl just thinking about it.

"Tonia," He spoke to tiger mom. "I'll take care of Ms. Champ. Please go to your station to prepare the next stage of her rehabilitation. "

I felt her hesitate as she left. "I'm sorry." She whispered loud enough for only me to hear.

My heart started to race. Nothing good happens when someone tells me they're sorry.

"Follow me." The doctor said simply. We went to a corner of the room were A1 was waiting. They put electrodes on my head. I could even see my brain waves on a monitor. How weird...

A1 put on a big metal helmet with antennas. Dr. Brooke then got the end wire of each electrode to the antennas on the helmet. "You will feel a little shock. It's best if you sit down and relax." A1 told me as he offered me a chair.

"Thank you." I say. My heartbeat was so loud. I could barely hear him over the thudding in my ears.

A1 nods at the doctor.

"AAHHH!!" I scream as electricity violently pulses through my body. My grip so tight I cracked one of the armrests. When it finally ended, I had a painful coughing fit, the taste of blood fresh in my mouth. "How many times am I supposed to go through that?" I glare at the doctor as I wipe the blood off the corner of my mouth.

"That was it." He chuckled. "Ready for step 3?"

Step 3? Step 3! Just how much am I forced to go through?

I take a deep breath trying to calm myself. Just remember who you're doing this for. Better me than my brother. I rather live through this than him.

After I calm myself, I try to stand. I fall immediately, A1 catching me. The procedure didn't affect it. What I would give to be that robot right about now.

"Shall I carry you to the M.M.I.?" He asked as he helped me to my feet.

"Just help me walk please." My voice quiet and tired. Who knew being electrocuted drained so much out of you?

It walked me down to the giant capsule thing, carful with every step I took in case I fell again. "A1 I have a question."

"How can I help you Ms. Champ?" It has its full attention on me.

"What does M.M.I. stand for? It's the machine they plan on putting me in right?" To be honest, I'm terrified of the answer.

"The M.M.I. stand for a Muscle Memory Incubator. It is the fastest way to train your body the fighting styles you once knew at an expert level." It never hesitates and takes my question so seriously.

It's a pleasant change of pace.

"Will it hurt?" I ask. I know the answer, but I pray that I'm wrong.

"Yes. You will be trapped in your own body unable to move freely. The incubator will fill with a jelly liquid and move your body for you. It is an extreme method of training." He told me honestly. "It builds muscle memory much faster than average training."

We stood in front of the incubator waiting for the door to open.

"How long will I be in there?" I held onto him even tighter.

"That depends on how quickly your body adapts. I calculate it will be 1 1/2 earth years. 1 year with minimal rests." He helped me to get in.

"If you can, make it 1 year." I wonder if he can tell how scared I truly am. "Get me out as soon as you can. Please..." My body is shaking. I'm doing my best not to cry as the door closed.

"As you wish Ms. Champ."

Lord, if you can hear this prayer, I ask that you give me strength. I don't think I can make it through this without you. Please help me protect my family and myself. You never give us more than what we can manage. And I know you work in mysterious ways, but I'm scared. I'm scared of what I will become or what they're turning me into. If you can give just a bit of your strength, I know I can make it through. Amen. 

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