Chapter 11

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It waited until the redness from my eyes went away before we left the room. Now that I wasn't blinded by my emotions I could think clearly. I can't storm the ship, that will cause to many unnecessary problems. 

"If I'm going to find my phone and bracelet, we need to know if it's even on this ship. This ship has cameras right?" I ask A1. 

"Of course. They cover every hallway and every room except dorm rooms and bathrooms. May I ask why?" A1 asked, now invested in my plan.

"I need the video of my abduction. We are going to trace the steps of all my belongings, from the moment they were taken from me, to the time they were placed in storage."

"Shall I inform Captain General of your mission?" 

"No. If it was stolen, we don't know by who or why. As for as I know The Captain could be the thief." It could be another way for him to keep me in check. I don't want to risk warning the culprit anyway. They might destroy it and get rid of the evidence. "This mission is just for you and I to handle ok? Everyone is a suspect until proven otherwise."

"Understood Ms. Champ." If he wasn't a robot, I could have sworn he was actually excited about this 'mission'.


Because I was excused from training for the day, I could be in my room until tomorrow. I had sent A1 to get dinner early, while I showered and changed. 

"That was quick." I dried my hair as A1 sat on my bed, a tray of food on the desk. "Did anyone ask why you brought food to my room?"

"It was not surprising. You often ate in your room when you did not want to speak to others." He had to do that a lot. Explain Lillian's past habits I mean. It was little things mostly, but it would sometimes be her memories in hopes I would remember. "It is considered to be more strange when you share meals with Dr. Tonia Rulen and Sargent Win Moller."

"Hmm?" Seriously? How can someone be a lone wolf and a tyrant at the same time? The more I learn about Lillian, the more complicated she is. "It's not that weird. I changed as an individual. I'm practically a new person because I lost all my memories before my time on Earth." I say between bites of food. 

He stared at me, like it was trying to figure something out. Uh oh... Time for a topic change, I do not want him figuring out the truth. "So, how do we get access to all the cameras and footage of that day? Do we sneak into the surveillance room or something?"

"No need. I am connected to this ships computer system and can show you on your tablet."

"Does this mean you have access to the whole ship? Could you control it if you wanted to?" I ask as I hand over my tablet. 

"Haven't you noticed that you don't need a key card when your with me?" I guess I never really thought about it. The doors just opened for me, I didn't even notice the locks that needed a key card. 

"I found it." He handed back the tablet. "I should warn you, none of the footage has sound."

"Its fine. I can read lips." I admit. I also know sign language. "My little sister, Ruby, is deaf. She taught me how."

I spent the next two hours watching videos, switching from camera to camera trying to keep track of the bag of my things. Harder said than done. No one wants to go to storage so the keep pushing my belongings to someone else. Its like that street game of finding the Queen with two other cards. I lost it twice now and spent forever trying to find my bag again. 

Not to mention I'm watching in slow motion in case anyone has sticky fingers and wants to steel my things. The good news is that my phone and bracelet are on the ship.

"This is so boring." I stretch. Its getting harder and harder to keep my eyes open. I wonder if these aliens know what coffee is? Or if they have any type of energy drinks because I am in need of a serious pick me up. "Does this ship have anything with caffeine? Coffee, soda?" I ask A1 who was 'sleeping'.

Its eyes were closed but he's always awake. "Yes we do. It is one of the most universally traded product thanks to humans. It provides an extra boost of energy to thousands of species in the galaxy. Be weary of consumption, caffeine can be addictive. "

"Awesome. Where can I get a soda?"

"There is a vending machine for snacks and drinks not to far from here. Would you like me to take you?" They have vending machines? 

Wait... am I being alien racist or something? Its not like I'm trying to be. I just don't know the rules out here. Was it wrong I just assumed they didn't have soda and vending machines? I don't see why they wouldn't have any. Other species can like snacks too. Like A1 said, caffeine is very popular. And its not like I was trying to be alien racist, I just didn't know they has vending machines. 

"Angela, would you like me to get the drink for you?" He asked unsure of what to do.

"Huh? Oh, no that's ok. Just show me the way." I said getting out of my thoughts. I really need to stop over thinking things. 

I got a red can of soda called 'Spirit' and a bag of chips called 'Heat Sticks' before I headed back to my room. Lets hope they taste better than their weird names. 

It was another hour of watching aliens play hot potato with my belonging before one actually committed to taking my bag to storage. I could see why they didn't want to though. Even through the cameras I could see the poor girl shaking as she walked. 

The way to storage was super creepy. It was like a scene from a horror movie. The lights flickered and struggled to stay on. Pipes were along the walls and no one else was there with her. She was probably overthinking and freaking herself out too. 

She got to the storage log keepers and I almost couldn't believe my luck. It was the harpy that sounds like a kid and the squid legs woman. 

It all makes sense now. Who better to steal from storage than the ones who control it. It didn't help I caught them talking about me and called them out for it. 

Then again, I don't know if they took my things. By some off chance, my things could have fallen out and is still in storage. I'll have to go look tomorrow during lunch. 

I said a quick prayer of thanks to The Lord and went to sleep. Tomorrow is going to be long day. 

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