Chapter 16

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I'm in an empty room with checkered floors, a black void for a roof, with long red curtains that drape down to the floor.

"Hello?" I call out. "Can anyone hear me? Is anyone else here?"

I find a way out through the curtains Only to end up in rooms almost identical to the first. It would be small changes, like the color of the curtains, different color floors, and bigger or smaller rooms, but they were always empty.

Eventually, I ended up back in the first room. At least I think I do. It's the same size but the curtains are a deeper red and there's a mirror.

It's a simple full-body mirror, like the one I used to have back home.

"I don't suppose you know the way out," I say to my reflection.

Ugh... this sucks. I've never had a dream like this before. I mean my dreams usually suck but, that's because they're nightmares. This, this is just stupid. 

"What am I supposed to do? Stare at myself until I wake up? What's the point of this?" I yell up to the void. "You're my subconscious. Give me a hint. Do something!" 

Nothing happened.

 "Are you serious? I have had to deal with nightmares for years. Nothing but monsters and sadness and things picking at my anxiety for 8 years! But now it's creepy checkered rooms and a mirror? Let me guess, it represents no matter what I do I'm forever alone." I scoff at no one. 

"Oh shut up. All you ever do is complain. You finally have a boring dream instead of a shitty nightmare and your first reaction is to 'look for a sign.' And then yell at me when there isn't one?" A voice identical to mine scolds me.

Where did it come from?

"Think about it dumb ass. I'm in the mirror. Hello!" My reflection mocks me. "Not very bright are you? What was the point of reading all those books if you're going to stay an idiot? I mean, talking reflection should be obvious. It's Storybook 101."

"You-you're... I mean. How?"

"Wow, you are slow." She insults me. "Subconscious made up this dream so we can chat."

I only glare at her. Me? This is confusing. 

"We're getting off track and I don't have much time left so you're going to shut up and listen.

I am you; the meaner, judgmental part, I'm the mean thoughts but you don't say out loud part at least, and we are in danger. And I'm not talking about our little space adventure. Real, you can lose your mind, danger. We need to start building walls, shutting people out, and really focus on your willpower. Do some meditation or yoga. Next time we talk mention something only I-we know because if there is a next time, you won't be the only one in our head."

"What do you mean someone else? How can another person get in my head?"

"We're in space surrounded by aliens. Get creative. 

Now your subconscious and I can hold off false memories they're trying to get in but there is only much we can do. Whoever is trying to 'take over' is only going to get more aggressive." 

The floor started to shake as voices began to echo in the distance.

"Damn it. We're waking up." Angry me said. "We don't know who it is but, we do know how they're doing this. Whatever you do, don't-"

A bright light passes over my eyes as I wake up. The pain in my shoulder and chest was gone. I'm still a little sore but nothing like before. 

"It's good to see you awake Angela. How are you feeling?" A1 asked somewhere in the room.

Nausea racked through my body. Before I could respond I turned away from the table I'm on and threw up.  "I could be better." I wipe my mouth.

"Yes, well the pod can have that effect on people." He said over the sound of water. 

As I sat up I could see him by a sink filling a small bowl and rag with water. 

"Other than nauseous, how do you feel regarding your injuries'?" He gave me the warm rag to clean my face and went to a cabinet behind me.

"Sore. Tired. I'm better than before though. My lungs and eye don't hurt. The burning in my arm is gone." He came back around with a mop and bucket. 

"Good." He talks as he cleans, never looking at me. "We'll do one more scan before we leave. 'Better safe than sorry' as you Earthlings say."

"Ok." I lay back down as he set up another scan. We sit in silence as usual... 

Somethings off. I can feel it, so what is it? Are they upset with me? Why won't A1 look me in the eyes?

He finishes up a physical exam with little to no talking and I just can't shake this feeling like something's wrong. 

"Nope. We're not doing this." It's bugging me too much, I'm not having it. 

"You don't want me to finish the exam?" A1 asks confused. 

And it still won't look me in the eyes!

"That's not what I'm talking about. You can finish examining me." I roll my eyes. "I'm talking about how there is obviously something bothering you."

"I have no idea what you're talking about." He continues to inspect my once-injured arm. 

"Liar. You're quiet and you won't even look me in the eyes. Something is wrong and I can feel it." I glare at him.

"No idea what you're talking about." He leaves, typing into his arm. "I'm always quiet."

"Fine, then why won't you look me in the eyes?" He stopped moving now. "It's one of the more frustrating things about you because you don't blink. You always maintain eye contact, so why not now?"

He turns and finally looks me in the eyes.

His once gold iris is now white.

"As I have said before, I can feel your emotions." He almost looked guilty by this fact. " And I said they are much more powerful now than before."

"So?" I edged him on.

"I underestimated just how powerful they are. I am a true A.I. I can learn, rewrite my code, and because I am connected to you, a human with an overwhelming amount of emotion, I can now develop and feel my own emotions."

"I didn't know you can do that." 

"I have had them before, a story for another time." He reassured me. "To get rid of them I must go through a factory restart. A factory restart is pointless at this time because I am permanently connected to you. It would not take long for me to gain emotion once again. "

"And this is a bad thing? It's not like you're going to turn evil." I stare at him. "You're not going to turn evil right?"

"I am incapable of turning 'evil.' My prime directive is to help others. Harming anything is a last resort. That being said, emotions are unpredictable. My emotions are connected to my eyes." He admits. "They change color and it is why I did not want you to see them." Their eyes turned into a light shade of pink. "I was fearful of your reaction and I am embarrassed to admit so. More so now that you had figured it out so quickly."

"It's not embarrassing to have feelings. Like you said, I have a ton." I try to comfort him. "If anything, I'm impressed. We 'Earthlings' don't have anything as cool as you. I mean you're true A.I."

His eyes had returned to their usual gold. "Thank you, Angela. This talk has been... comforting."

"Good." I hopped off the table. "So, what does gold mean?"

"I am at peace."

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