Chapter 13

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I ate breakfast at the squeduled time and went back to studying. Went to study human history specifically. Eden was never really a garden, but the space program I am now apart of. Adam and Evan were kicked out for killing the dinosaurs instead of researching them. Noah's Arc; most animals on earth were species going extinct on other planets and sent to earth. Noah himself was actually Noemi, an animal expert on the ship. Technically alien's really did make the pyramids because humans are those aliens. I don't know why, but I find that amazing!

Despite new information, my faith stayed strong. I'm a Christian by my belief and love of my God. Not by the bible. Weird, I know, I get that a lot, but so many things can be lost or mistranslated. Human error is apart a humans nature. It is to be expected, which is why I believe God forgives us for our sins and loves us regardless. It is impossible to be perfect because perfect is nonexistent.

I keep this belief to myself. When I've told others, it never ended well. Mostly people yelling at me about how my specific belief is wrong....

I shake the bad memories out of my head and continued my research, now focused on the history of Eden. 

Created by humans 157.2 million years ago with one mission in mind. Peace and exploration. Eden is its own government without a planet. It is a neutral party between governments, relocates and protects endangered species including plants, finds habitable planets for the refugees of dead or destroyed planets, and so much more. 

It makes me feel a little bit better, at least they're not complete bad guys. If I wasn't forced into this line of work, I would actually want to work here. 

It does make me wonder, if they are 'good guys' why abduct me? Why threaten me and my family? Aren't there rules and laws?

'Remember private, only Dr. Brook, you, and I know the truth about who she really is. Do well to keep it that way. I don't want any accidents on ship to happen if word gets out. Do I make myself clear?' Captain Heroine's words rang in my head. 

That's right, no one else knows. I'm keeping this secret to keep my brother safe. They're keeping the secret to save themselves. 

Still, why take me? It doesn't make sense, soldiers die. Lillian could have easily been remembered as a 'hero' to the eyes of the people. What is so special about her that they had to replace her? Why did they have to find an exact genetic match?? 

"Ugh! Why can't I figure this out? What am I missing?" I rub my temples. 

"Can I be of assistance Ms. Champ?"  A1 asked. Shoot, did I say that out loud?

"Uh-no. No." Quick, think of something. "I was just thinking about my phone and bracelet." Yes! Go with that. "Why would someone take them? I can't figure it out." 

I felt him scan me with his eyes. "Are you lying to me?" He asked.

"What makes you think that?" My voice is calm which is more than what I can say for my thoughts.

How does he know? The lie was totally believable! Did something in my face give it away? All that time in my schools Performing Arts Program made me great at hiding my feelings. What changed? I'm good at lying! How is it figuring it out now?

The trick is to believe the lie as the truth. Its a form of method acting I mastered in order to survive high school. Another really good trick is to shut up and listen. People love to hear to themselves talk. It even made me invisible, thank God.

"I am uncertain about why I think your lying. Your emotions contradict your words and facial expressions, but there should be no reason for you to lie." A1 told me. Good thing he never lies to me, if he did that would make pretending to be Lillian impossible to keep secret.

"What do you mean my emotions? How can you tell what I'm feeling?" 

"I am connected to the implants in your brain. I can read your emotions because of them. I will admit they are stronger than before. It is why I am particularly concerned for your mental well being."

I didn't know it could do that! Why didn't the doctor tell me A1 could do that!? That seems pretty important to know If your pretending to be someone your not!

"A1 I'm not lying. Like you said, there is no reason I would." I try to bury the panicked feeling I have as I lie. Don't want him to know I feel that way.

"It is time for your next meal. Shall we go?" He changed the topic. I hope that means this is the end of this conversation.

I picked up something close to a sandwich for lunch when it hit me. I can't go to storage for lunch. I won't have enough time to properly look and be back in time for training. I guess its a thing that will have to wait. Ugh... 

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