Chapter 8

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1 year.

For 1 year I was trapped, forced to watch the outside world as my muscles burned and I was stabbed by needles. 1 year I lived in this jelly fluid unable to move freely, controlled by something else. 1 year I lived in this hell! Unable to talk, trapped in my thoughts, God as my only company. As time passed fear had crept in my mind that even he has abandoned me here.

Twice a day I would stop moving for 10800 seconds. I had figured out it was 3 hours. I would use this time mostly for sleep, but sometimes I tried to move. I would try to speak, move a finger. Anything to prove I could gain control of my body again. And I would fail over and over again.

The only time I didn't feel so hopeless and alone is when they would visit me.

A1 never left, guarding the incubator and keeping track of my vitals. There were times where it tried to explain to me the different tools and weapons, what they did and how they worked. I never understood a word he said. Still, it was soothing just to hear something other than my empty thoughts.

Tonia would often visit me. First, she would only cry and apologize. As time passed, she told me about how her days at work went, how it was growing up on Planet Lotus, even about her family, and little secrets only friends would share. It was times like that I wanted to reach out most. To say that this isn't her fault and I forgive her for her part in what's happening. Most of all, I want to thank her for being my only friend on this ship.

Sargent Win often did the same. He'd tell me of his time with Lillian, what happened in his day, and how he has a younger brother. Turns out his brother is the cute guy that I had hit on. They're from the Planet Chrome, their race is called Neon. Their moon has this black light effect on their planet. The wildlife and vegetation literally glow at night. It sounds so beautiful; I hope I can go one day.

Jordon was sent back to finish his academy training, but he found ways to visit me during his school breaks. It was the little things like this that made it bearable. There were times I wanted to die. Where I prayed for it just to end. Then I would see his face through the glass, hear his voice when he told me his accomplishments... It reminded me of who I was doing this for and why I couldn't give up.

One day a timer appeared on the glass and started to count down.

Is this it? Am I finally getting out of here?!

As the timer went down, the hope in me rose. It's coming to an end one way or another, I'm sure of it!

When the timer had hit the 30-minute mark they came again. Waiting to welcome me, they surrounded the door, even Jordan had found a way to leave the Academy training grounds to see me. Excitement flooded my senses as I saw them wait by the door to the incubator.

As time passed others had come to see my release. At 10 minutes Dr. Brooke showed up.

Shoving his way passed the small crowd he waited in front beside A1. He smiled like we were old friends and all that excitement in me died.

I never wanted to feel hate, I never thought I would have it in me to hate someone. Then I met Dr. Brooke. The monster that treated me like a lab rat, who lied and tortured me! The three eyed bastard that kidnapped me and used my kindness against me. He is the reason I'm in this horrid machine! He is the reason I can never go home!

All that fear I once felt for that man turned into anger, festering in me every time he came to 'visit' me in the incubator. Every time I hear his voice, every time I saw that shitty smile something in me was breaking until I couldn't tAke IT AnyMOrE!!! I want to beat that smug look off his face! I want him to feel every pain he caused me. To fear me the way I once feared him.

"Ten," They chanted in unison. "Nine, eight, seven, six," the fluid was drained. "Five, four, three, two," My lungs burned as I coughed the fluid out. I could finally breath air again. "One!!!"

The door hissed open as it rose. All I could hear are their cheers, all I felt was my need for revenge.

A1 and Dr. Brooke came to help me stand. The moment A1 stood me up I grabbed Dr. Brooke by the throat and squeezed. I ignored the gasps, completely consumed by my hate. No one dared to move as the doctor fell to his knees, turning red by the lack of air, clawing at my hand. I squeezed a little harder, it probably felt like he was breathing out of a straw.

"Please, don't." He begged, scared. "Angela... I'm so-sorry..."

Hearing my name, I realized what I was doing.

What am I doing?! I can't kill a man, no matter how I feel about it. It isn't right, killing him would only turn me into the same type of monster he is!

But I couldn't let him get away with what he did to me, so I leaned in his ear and whispered, "Remember this. How I had your life in my hands, and you were helpless to stop me. Remember this feeling because that is exactly how you made me feel! Then be grateful I'm not the monster your experiments almost turned me into."

I let go, letting him gasp for air.

"I'm sorry for the scare." I apologize to him out loud so the crowd can hear me. "I guess my instincts took over for a minute." I helped him up. It killed me to be nice to him, but I can't risk others hating me.

Jordan had walked up to me, unsure of what to do. He's so much taller than me, and only at 15.

He hugged me. An action that shocked us both, I didn't care. I hugged back and burry my face in his neck. This is why I went through hell, so he wouldn't have too.

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