C H A P T E R 2

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Chapter 2

( Imma do some fast updates cuz I have school tomorrow OhOHOhOHo )

"Do you repent of what you did?"

The Senior Yun Sect disciples trembled in fear and compressed themselves in the corner of the alley while looking at Lian Ren's glowing blue eyes. One of the Senior Yun Sect disciples jabbed his companion and cursed at him, "It's all your fault! You are the one who started this! Go apologize!"

His companion frowned at him and also jabbed his shoulders, "Why only me?! You guys joined me in mocking him! Why am I the only one apologizing?!!"

"It's because you're the mastermind of all of this! You must bear responsibility and apologize to him!"

"What?! So you're saying I'm at fault while all of you are innocent! Such nonsense!"

"Just apologize already!"

"Yeah, that's right!"

"Go on and apologize!"

"This is all your fault!"

"Even if you apologize, I won't take it for granted." Lian Ren stared at his glowing blue spiritual qi and lifted his gaze at them full of killing intent.

The Senior Yun Sect disciples shrieked and pushed each other to hide in the corner, one of them couldn't take the intimidation anymore and left his comrades then ran away from Lian Ren. The glowing blue spiritual qi swiftly went in front of the running Yun Sect disciple and turned into a sharp ice spike, the tip of the spike slightly brushed the throat of the Yun Sect disciple, leaving a shallow cut with blood slowly dripping down his chest and staining his plain white robe.

Lian Ren sneered at him, "Unbelievable. You're leaving your comrades just to survive? How amusing."

"K-K-Killing your f-fellow disciple is a bad thing! You will be found guilty after this! I-I...... I-I'll tell Shizun about this——"

Another wave of sharp ice spikes rushed through the Yun Sect disciple's direction and pierced through his both shoulders. The sharp cold pain made him shudder and roar in pain, Lian Ren scowled at him while staring in his direction with his bloodshot eyes. "Stop mentioning him."

"L-Lian Shidi! Are you not afraid of others hearing us here?!" One of the grouped Yun Sect disciples who were hiding in the corner shouted.

Lian Ren chuckled and replied to him, "Don't worry they won't hear a single thing. And no one will know that you will die here."

All of the disciple's eyes shrunk at what he said. They now realized that Lian Ren was not joking about killing them inside the Yun Sect, all of the Yun Sect disciples kneeled and kowtowed to him while pleading for their lives, "Lian Ren, please spare us! Please spare us!"

Lian Ren's glowing eyes twinkled as he lowered his gaze at them, he slightly waved his hand and a glowing blue spiritual qi flowed out of his palms and molded its shape into a beautiful snowflake. "And now you're begging for your lives? All of you are laughable. You think that such simple words will save your low lives?"

The Yun Sect disciples lifted their gazes at him in a terrified expression, "N-No.....N-No.....W-We beg you please s-spare us....."

Lian Ren laughed out loud as if he was mocking their sincere pleas and laughing at the value of their lives. The beautiful glowing blue snowflakes on his hand were divided into many pieces and was about to rush in the Yun Sect disciple's direction when Lian Ren felt that someone had broken his soundproof barrier. He withdrew his stretched palms and curled them in a fist, the beautiful snowflakes burst into nothingness.

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