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Jasper was grinning when Bella opened the door. Bella groaned. Jasper had overheard Charlie and Rosalie's comments. Jasper's grinned widened. "Hello darlin'," he greeted. They were having way too much fun with this. "Are you ready?"

"I am," Bella confirmed. She wanted to leave as soon as possible.

"Jasper," Charlie said. He was attempting to be the stern father when in reality he was amused by the whole thing. "What time do you expect to be back?"

Jasper pretended to think about it. Bella was certain he already had it planned out thanks to Alice. "Well, the exhibit is in Port Angeles," Jasper lied. Seattle was too far for a normal person to go. But for a vampire it was nothing. Bella knew they would be in Seattle in the time it took a normal person to get to Port Angeles. "Does Bella need to be home by a certain time?"

"No," Charlie said a little too quickly. "It's the weekend. You two should have fun. But don't stay out too late," he added.

"Well, we should be going," Jasper announced. "It was nice seeing you Chief Swan."

"You too Jasper," Charlie said. "Have fun you two."

"Good night Chief Swan," Rosalie said before following Bella and Jasper out of the house.

Rosalie walked with them to the car. Jasper got into the driver's seat and patiently waited for Bella. "I'll be running to Seattle," Rosalie told Bella. "If you need me, I'll be right outside."

"Thanks Rose," Bella said gratefully. She was certain she would need Rosalie at least once during the night.

Rosalie kissed the corner of Bella's mouth. "Enjoy tonight. You deserve to have a fun night."

Bella got into the car and Jasper drove away. When Bella glanced out the window, she saw Rosalie was gone. "Where did you get this car?" Bella asked. She didn't remember it from the Cullen's collection of expensive cars.

"I bought it today," Jasper answered.

"You bought it today?" Bella repeated. "Why?"

"I know what you're thinking Bella," Jasper said. "And no, I did not buy the car because of you. I bought it because I wanted it. I've been wanting a car for a while and now was the perfect time to get one."

Bella nodded. She believed Jasper was telling the truth. She trusted him and knew he wouldn't lie to her. "My dad, do you know why he was so calm about us going to the exhibit?"

"He's happy you made friends. Even if that means you're dating me," Jasper said with a grin. "He likes me. He'll be so bummed when he finds out you're not dating me."

Bella shook her head. "You guys had way too much fun with that."

Jasper shrugged. "We've been around for a long time. We need to be entertained somehow." He glanced at Bella before turning his attention back to the road. "There's something I need to talk to you about."

"Is it Edward?" Bella asked tensely.

"Sort of," Jasper answered. "A couple of my friends, Peter and Charlotte, are going to stay in Forks for a while. They're human drinkers, like Rosalie, but I promise they won't hurt you." Jasper paused. "We don't know what Edward has planned or if he's going to attempt something. Peter and Charlotte will be here to help watch you."

"Do you really think Edward will do something?" Bella asked nervous. She didn't want to be anywhere near Edward.

"I don't know," Jasper said honestly. He wouldn't lie to her, not about something that could affect her life. "Edward is convinced you're his mate. We will do anything for our mates. You're not his mate, obviously, but he believes it. I don't know what he will do in his attempt to protect you from Rosalie." Bella tensed up. "Don't worry, he will never get the chance."

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