part 12

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Bella leaned against her headboard, flipping through the Superman comic book loaned to her by Emmett. Despite the fact that she enjoyed Superman comics she was having a hard time concentrating on the comic book in front of her.

Rosalie was out hunting and then would be by to help Bella get ready for her evening with Jasper.

Neither Bella nor Rosalie had brought up Bella kissing her. Bella knew Rosalie was trying to give her space and allow her to process what happened in her own time. Jasper and Alice had told her that much. But Bella wished Rosalie would bring it up simply because Bella was struggling to find a way to word her feelings.

A knock at the window pulled Bella from her thoughts. She looked up and found Paul grinning at her. Bella sat aside the comic and waved Paul in. "Hey Bella," he greeted jumping through the window.

"Hi Paul," Bella said. She patted the side of her bed. "What brings you here?"

Paul shrugged and sat down beside Bella, careful not to touch her. "I know tonight is your night with Jasper and I wanted to see how you were doing," he said.

"I'm good," Bella said. Paul raised an eyebrow at her. "Really I am. Rosalie is coming by after she hunts and she's going to help me get ready and then Jasper will pick me up at seven. How's Angela? She seems to really like you. She talks about you a lot at school."

Paul beamed. "She's great and we get along amazingly. She's calm and sweet and she doesn't realize it but she can calm me when I start to lose control."

"She doesn't know about you, does she?" Bella asked.

Paul shook his head. "I want to and I know I need to but I haven't figured out the right way to do it," Paul said sadly. "I'm afraid she'll hate me."

"Paul, I've only known Angela for a few months but I know her well enough to know she would never hate you," Bella said gently. She put her hand over Paul's. "Angela doesn't have a mean bone in her body. Honestly I don't think she's capable of hating anyone. She will probably be confused and shocked but just give her time to process."

"Would you consider going on a double date with us?" Paul asked hopeful. "I was thinking, if you're there maybe she'll react better."

"I can talk to Rosalie," Bella told him. "I don't think she'll mind. Do you have a date in mind?"

"I don't know," Paul said rubbing his neck. "I'll talk to Angela and come up with a time. Is that okay?"

Bella nodded. "It's fine with me," she told him.

Paul leaned against the wall. "So Rosalie is out hunting?" Bella nodded. "Is she hunting humans?"

Bella wasn't sure she wanted to answer but Paul would find out sooner or later. "She is," Bella said honestly. "But she only hunts bad humans."

"How can she tell?" Paul asked. He was the only one in the pack that supported Rosalie's decision to feed from humans. Sam and Jared weren't happy about it but they could understand thanks to their connection to Paul.

"She waits until they make a move," Bella answered. She had asked Jasper the same question. "But she stops them before they hurt someone."

"As long as she's sure I guess that's okay." Paul caught sight of the comic. "What are you reading?" he asked curious.

"Superman comic," Bella told him. She handed him the comic. "Emmett let me borrow it. I'm starting to enjoy them too."

"Ah I love comic books," Paul exclaimed flipped through the book. "I haven't read this one."

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