part 11

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Bella wake up," Alice shouted. She jumped on Bella's bed.

"Alice," Rosalie growled. Bella woke up startled. She scrambled out of her bed. She was still half asleep and didn't realize what was going on or who had just jumped onto her bed. It scared her. Rosalie pulled Bella into her arms. "It's okay Bella. It's just Alice."

Bella rubbed her eyes and yawned. "Alice?"

"It's me Bella," Alice confirmed. "Sorry. I didn't see you getting scared. But you need to get up and get ready. Today we are going shopping."

"Alice let her wake up," Rosalie growled at her. She warned Alice not to wake Bella up, especially not the way she had done it, and Alice did it anyway. Rosalie was not happy with her.

Alice climbed off Bella's bed. She was known for not listening and doing things she shouldn't but even she wasn't stupid enough to anger Rosalie further. "I'll go make breakfast for Bella."

"Are you okay?" Rosalie asked Bella.

"Yeah," Bella said rubbing her eyes. "Is Alice always like that first thing in the morning? What time is it anyway?"

"It's 8:30am," Rosalie told her. "And yes Alice is always like this. It doesn't matter if its morning, day or night. We don't sleep and Alice tends to forget humans do need sleep. I tried to stop her. I'm sorry."

"It's okay," Bella mumbled leaning against Rosalie. "I'm still tired."

Rosalie stroked her hair. "Do you need to sleep some more? I can tell Alice to let you sleep in."

"Can you really do that?" Bella asked.

"Not exactly," Rosalie admitted. "However, I can ask Jasper to talk to her." Rosalie frowned. She didn't realize how little Bella knew about vampire mating. "Men are usually the dominant one in the relationship. In same sex relationships it's generally the older vampire, or in a human/vampire relationship it is the vampire. In a typical vampire relationship the man controls everything, including his mate. The same is true for us however we generally don't push it. Jasper has the power to stop Alice from doing something and she has no choice but to obey. A submissive mate doesn't dare argue with the dominant mate. Jasper, Carlisle and even myself don't like the thought of forcing our mates to do something unless it's necessary."

Bella shook her head. "I don't want Jasper to force Alice to do something, especially when he doesn't like doing it. I'll be okay. Can Jasper maybe suggest to Alice that humans don't like be woken up?"

"I'll ask Jasper to speak to her," Rosalie promised. "But I think it's unnecessary. Alice is listening and she feels bad."

"Sorry Alice," Bella said. She had forgotten about their expert hearing.

"She says sorry too." Rosalie laughed. "And she says please get ready so we can leave soon."

Bella got out of bed and dug through her dresser for some clothes. She kissed Rosalie's cheek and headed to the bathroom. Bella showered as quickly as she could. Her hair was thrown into a pony tail and she managed to get dressed without hurting herself.

Alice had finished making breakfast by the time Bella got downstairs. Rosalie was sitting at the table, waiting for her. "Sit, eat," Alice said dropping a plate full of hash browns, bacon and eggs onto the table. Rosalie glared at her. "Please."

Bella sat down beside Rosalie and shook some salt on her hash browns and salt and pepper on top of her eggs. Alice placed a glass of milk on the table just as Bella stood up. She went to the fridge and grabbed some shredded cheese and ketchup.

Alice frowned. "Bella," she said. Bella looked at Alice. "Why do humans go through so much effort to cook good food when they turn around and put stuff on it to change the taste?"

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