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Bella," Rosalie muttered. Bella stirred but didn't wake. "Bella," she said again. She pressed her lips against Bella's cheek. Bella groaned. "Bella, love, it's almost noon. You need to get up so we can meet Paul and Angela later."

Bella groaned again and opened her eyes. "Did you say noon?" Bella questioned in surprise.

"Yes," Rosalie confirmed. "You were pretty restless. Did you sleep okay?"

Bella frowned, trying to remember what she dreamed about. "I dreamed about Edward," Bella whispered. "I wonder if that did it. What about Charlie?"

"He left around 6," Rosalie informed her. "I hid in the closet when he checked on you." Bella giggled at the thought of Rosalie hiding in her closet.

"What time are we meeting Paul and Angela?" Bella asked. She ran her hand through her tangled hair.

"I don't know. You'll have to call Paul and see if they want to meet for dinner or a late lunch."

Bella leaned over to grab her phone from the drawer but Rosalie already had it in her hand. Bella quickly dialed Paul's number and waited.

"Hello," Paul answered.

"Paul, it's Bella," Bella said.

"Bella," he exclaimed. "I haven't heard from you in a while. How are you?"

"I'm good. Rose and I were wondering if you and Angela are available today? We were thinking we could meet for a late lunch or early dinner."

"Sure," Paul said. "I was gonna go and see Angela anyway. I'll check with her and let you know."

"Great." It was quiet for a minute. "Have you told her about you?"

"Not yet," Paul confessed. "Honestly, I'm a little nervous. I don't know how she will react."

"I know Angela," Bella started. "I'm sure she will be okay with it. Rose and I will be there to support you."

"Thanks Bella," Paul said relieved. "I...I should have told her the night of the bonfire but I couldn't bring myself to do it and ruin the night."

"Rose and I will get everything set up," Bella promised. "Why don't you come around four? Do you want me to call Angela?"

"No, no. I'll do it," Paul said. "Four sounds good. See you then Bella."

"Bye Paul," Bella said before hanging up.

Bella turned to Rosalie. "Is four okay?"

"It's fine. I have nothing else to do today," Rosalie told her.

"I should get something ready for Charlie for dinner. I've spent so much time with you I haven't really been cooking." Bella frowned. "I should go to the store too."

"Why don't you get ready and we can head to the store," Rosalie suggested. "I can start a grocery list for you. Do you know what you want to make?"

Bella ran her hand through her hair. She hadn't thought about that. "Enchiladas," Bella decided. "It will be quick and easy and he can put it in the oven and heat it up."

"Go get ready," Rosalie said kissing her cheek. "We'll leave after your done." Bella reluctantly got out bed and grabbed her clothes. "Bella," Rosalie called before Bella got out of the door. Bella paused to look at the blonde vampire. "Do you want me to make you breakfast?"

Bella's stomach growled. She hadn't noticed she was hungry. "Maybe something small, like eggs."

Bella went to the shower, while Rosalie went downstairs to get breakfast ready for her mate. She decided on an omelet with some leftover peppers and cheese. Rosalie dug through the cabinets for a grocery list while the omelet cooked.

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