part 1

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Alice Cullen was panicked.

She just had a vision of Bella, the human girl Edward was so fascinated with, and it wasn't good. Someone needed to get to Port Angeles now. Actually they needed to get to Port Angeles five minutes ago.

There was only one problem.

Her brother, Edward would normally be the person that she would call. After all he was the one that was so keen on protecting her. The problem was he would never get to her in time. Sending Edward would result in Bella's death.

No one was close enough to help her except one. Rosalie. Alice frantically dialed her sister's number silently begging the blonde to answer and help. Alice knew Rosalie also had a strange fascination with Bella but the one time Alice had asked Rosalie had denied it and threatened to burn her clothes if she brought it up again. Since then Alice became very careful and never mentioned Bella to her. But it didn't stop her from searching both of their futures.

"What Alice?" Rosalie's annoyed voice called through the phone.

"I need you to go to Port Angeles now," Alice said quickly. "Bella is there and if you don't get to her soon..." she trailed off, trying to find a way to word this without causing Rosalie too much pain, "history will repeat itself."

Alice could hear Rosalie growling in the background. No matter how much she claimed to dislike the human girl she would never stand by and let someone go through the same thing she had. Alice wasn't convinced that Rosalie hated, or even disliked Bella but she had no proof otherwise and Bella's future was constantly changing.

Alice heard a click and all was silent. Now all she had to do was wait. She didn't want to search the future because she didn't want to risk seeing what she had seen before. That future wasn't pretty and it made her want to vomit, even though it was impossible.

Rosalie stared at her cellphone for half a second before whipping into action. She was currently at an auto shop a few miles from Port Angeles. She ran to her car and sped off toward the city. She wasn't about to let what happened to her happen to Bella. She couldn't explain the strange feelings she felt toward the human girl but whatever they were she couldn't allow her to get hurt, just the thought of Bella suffering like she had made her sick.

She wove in and out of traffic, ignoring the honks from pissed off drivers. Normally Rosalie wouldn't drive this fast when there was traffic but she was in a hurry. She didn't know how long she had before the attack happened and she had no idea where in Port Angeles Bella would be.

She groaned in frustration. Why couldn't Alice give her more information? Then again Alice was in a hurry to make sure Bella got help. She probably forgot all about it.

The streets of Port Angeles were busy at night. Rosalie pulled into the first parking spot she could find and jumped out of the car. She could move faster when she wasn't trying to weave in and out of all the cars.

Rosalie growled in frustration as she tried to find Bella. All the different places she could be ran through her mind but Rosalie didn't have time to check them all and she was sure her mental list didn't cover all of the possibilities. She started with the alleys near the dress shop she remembered hearing Bella talk about back when she was still trying to convince herself she wasn't eavesdropping on Bella.

She heard the scream half a second before she smelled the blood. She ran in the direction of the scream and found it was a small alleyway/parking lot behind a bookstore.

A small part of her brain registered the fact that it was a bookstore that specialized in Indian legends. She narrowed her eyes as she sped to Bella's location. She was certain that the bookstore would have the Quileute legends in it, which meant the legends about vampires were there too. Did Bella know about them?

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