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Bella had almost forgotten about him. But why would he be here of all places? Unless..."You think he's spying on me?"

Jasper's eyes met Bella's. "Unfortunately, I think it's a real possibility. He's still convinced you're his mate. In his own twisted mind, he probably thinks he's protecting you."

"Protecting me from what?" Bella asked confused. Rosalie wasn't here and last she had heard from Edward he wanted to protect her from Rosalie.

"Me," Jasper replied. "My weaker control. Even before Port Angeles," Bella winced, "he would warn me about staying away from you. Not that I planned on getting close." He winced. "Sorry, I didn't mean for it to come out like that."

Bella waved away the apology. "It's fine Jazz. We weren't friends yet."

Jasper led her back to the entrance. "There is something I should tell you, in case he tries to bring it up." They stopped outside, far enough from prying ears. "In the beginning, after Edward saved you from the van and we realized you were suspicious, we, Rosalie and I, wanted to kill you, to protect our secret."

Jasper eye's closed and waited for the anger, the fear, disgust, anything. But nothing came. Bella touched his cheek. He opened his eyes, not realizing he closed them.

"I'm not mad," she said. "It makes sense. I was a threat. I get it."

Jasper sighed in relief. "Thanks Bella," he said hugging her. "I know it's been bothering Rosalie."

"Why didn't she tell me?" Bella wondered.

Jasper opened the car door to let Bella in. He was in the driver's seat before Bella could buckle her seat belt. "Fear," Jasper said answering her question. He sped out of the parking lot and through the streets of Seattle. "You don't know how much it hurts Rosalie to know she wanted you dead at one point. She will spend the rest of her existence trying to make it up to you."

"She doesn't have to..." Bella started.

"And deep down she knows that," Jasper interrupted. "But it doesn't make it any less difficult."

"Can I ask you something?" Bella questioned.

"Anything," Jasper said.

"What's with vampires and driving fast?" Bella asked in an attempt to lighten the mood.

Jasper laughed. "If you could move faster than a speeding bullet, would you want to be stuck driving a slow car?"

It made sense to Bella but she didn't think she would ever be obsessed with sports cars. "Is he still nearby?" Bella asked as Jasper got onto the highway.

"I don't know," he answered. "I don't hear or feel him. Rosalie is following behind us, just in case. She'll call if there's something to be concerned about."

"Why hasn't Alice called?" Bella wondered.

"She must not see anything new," he said.

"Which means he doesn't get me," Bella muttered to herself.

Jasper still heard. He took his eyes off the road to stare at her. "He won't get you Bella," he promised. "No matter what we will keep you safe." The entire time Jasper stared at her the car never moved. That had to be a vampire thing.

"What can we do to convince him I'm not his mate?" Bella whispered.

"I don't know Bella," Jasper said with a sigh. "I'm not sure anything can be done at this point. He's never had a mate and he doesn't know what that feels like. There's no real way to show him unless..."

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