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The day of the coronation ceremony finally arrived. I wasn't nervous to be a Queen rather to be Jimin's wife. “That man looks so happy, but I'm sure he's freaking out.” A smile drew up my lips. Thinking of his state. The moment Jin told me about my marriage I was happy, also pissed. It was so sudden. I had to pick out a gown.

Moreover, to keep my dress design a secret was another level of pain. Apparently my soon to be husband wanted to match our clothes. Yoongi kept on bugging me to reveal the colour of my wedding dress. God! I've never been angry with him, this was a first.

Marriage, chaos and everyone's hopes from me was crushing me somewhere. At that time the person whom I always called my best friend joined them along. Because of my mate's desire to match dresses.

We are still not on talking terms. Honestly, I don't plan on walking down the aisle with us drifting apart. “You know what fuck this shit. Let me clear things out with him first.” Abruptly standing up from my seat I glanced at the makeup artists rushing out of the room. Ignoring their yells calling for me.

Knocking on his door I wait for him to open. Hearing no response, I inhaled deeply, twisting the doorknob and walking inside. There he stood in a black suit hair styled upwards. Looking handsome as ever.

“Won't you talk to me?” Tears were at the brim of my eyes. Heart aching. Not liking a bit of his ignorance. “Y/N” he turns around looking at me. Standing in my usual pajamas in front of him. “You hate me now don't you?” Fisting my palms I eye his frame painfully.

“No I don't hate you. I never can.” Opening his arms wide he brings me to his embrace. “Why would you think I'd hate you? I might not be having you completely by my side. But you'll forever be my mate, my love.” Wiping my tears he kissed my forehead.

“Look at you, you're supposed to be a bride, not a woman crying over her crush moving to another country!” Tears flowed rigorously from my eyes hitting his chest. “Min Yoongi your way too good of a man for my lame existence.” He chuckled shaking his head.

“Believe me you're a good woman as well. All you gotta do is acknowledge that. I'm sure Jimin will show you that. If he doesn't feel free to complain about him to me. I'll break his bones.” A twisted smirk was plastered on his face.

“Your planning my future husband's death on my wedding day.” We burst out laughing. “I can't get over the fact, we didn't speak straight up for three days. All because of me bugging you to tell me the colour of your wedding dress.” He remarks dramatically.

“I know right, what a lame reason it was. And I even fought with you. Not abiding with your curiosity about the colour. Well it's still a secret though. You'll see it at the altar.” He sheepishly nodded his head. “Did you go and cry to her that I wasn't speaking to you?” His muscles tensed up at my question.

Yoongs look at me.” Holding his wrist I face him.

“Please don't ever do that. She might be a part of me. But remember at the end of the day she's still a woman who loves you dearly. Her heart is sworn to you. Our hearts might be one, but our feelings are not.”

“Don't let her question herself the same way I did to myself our last birth. You love her alot, I can see that. So does she. Never let me be the home wrecker in your relationship.” His pupils darkened at my statement.

“Wtf are you saying? You're not a home-wrecker. Stop blaming stuff on yourself. Which doesn't even have anything to do with you. And I promise I won't ever let a day come when she questions herself. I'll love her to the extent she'll forget what insecurity is.”

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