Savisnow - Dreamer AU

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Savisnow - Dreamer AU

Quote in bottom left by George Eliot.


When Caitlin starts having dreams about Savitar, she assumes it's Frost's memories bleeding into her subconscious but it becomes quickly apparent they are no ordinary dreams. Every time, she watches him tortured by the worst moments of his life over and over, with a visage of Barry constantly berating him.

Some events she could just be imagining from what she knows, from what Barry has told her before, but others... It doesn't take too much careful questioning of Barry to find out a lot of those are definitely real events too. That's when she realizes she has to tell the team.

No one knows exactly what is going on but they figure out that somehow, in her dreams, she has a connection to the Speedforce. And with the timelessness of the Speedforce, it's possible Savitar isn't entirely erased from existence as they thought. But whatever is happening, whatever is causing this connection to Savitar, she can't bear to watch any version of Barry suffer.


Also rebloggable on tumblr .

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